Decision details

Items for Approval Under Financial Procedure Rules

Decision Maker: Policy, Finance and Administration Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Corporate Director submitted a report to submit requests for approval of this Committee under Financial Procedure Rules and to provide information on amounts approved under delegated powers and to report the impact of these on the Council’s reserves and balances.


The Corporate Director explained that recommendation 2.6 had been removed from the recommendations due to the decision made at Governance Committee. It was explained that non-perishable items would be trialled for a period of 6 months and the cost of this would be negligible.


A Member asked if the Cattle Market project manager had an alternative, cheaper contractor. The Corporate Director explained that the alternative contractor was sought and Gillstream Markets contributed to the work. Recommendation 2.5 is an adjustment on the budget due to the additional funding from Gillstream Markets.


With regard to the request for additional funding for the public conveniences a Member explained that he is worried when supplementary estimates are asked to be approved as this means that the Council is spending more than the budget.


The Chair explained that it was his understanding that there are two toilets planned to be erected but if there was just one toilet then there would be savings. A Member disagreed with this and explained that the extra £50k is required because costs kept changing and explained that costs for the drawings were high. It was agreed that having one set of toilets would make savings, but this would be very emotive and to gain the purple flag award two toilets would be essential. It was stated that savings would be made in the future. It was identified that the value of Park Lane toilets would be approximately £30k and the majority of the savings would come from staffing costs.


Members agreed that the supplementary estimates were required however Members would like the best value and for Officers to shop around. The Corporate Director explained that Officers had gone out to the market when tendering for the toilets and had assistance from consultants, however the bidders were discouraged because of the location. It was argued that the location that was agreed was the best position for the toilets as the bus stops were not lost for the tourists, there is better lighting and also better security.


A Member questioned if the pub could be put to use as they had indicated previously that the public are able to use their facilities but it was said that it is a busy road to cross and older people may not feel comfortable going to a pub.


Another Member explained that Melton Borough Council is part of the BID, however so is Town Estate so it was asked if Town Estate could contribute as they would be using the facilities.


Another Member stated they were not keen on having the toilets.

All recommendations were moved by Councillor Cumbers and Councillor Graham seconded.


The motions were carried with a majority vote. Two Members abstained from voting on recommendation 2.5.




1) the virements approved under delegated powers (para. 3.1.1 refers) be noted.


2) the budget reductions approved under delegated powers (para. 4.1 refers) be noted.


3) the Cattle Market Phase 1 capital programme be increased by up to an additional £15k as recommended by the Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee and outlined in paragraph 6.1.


4) the financing for the Cattle Market Wash Down Area is adjusted to take into account the contributions from Gillstream Markets as recommended by the Rural, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee and outlined in paragraph 6.2.


5) a supplementary estimate of £50,000 to be funded from capital receipts for the Public Conveniences project to construct two new facilities as recommended by the Community and Social Affairs Committee and outlined in paragraph 6.3 be approved.



Report author: Claire Burgess

Publication date: 05/10/2017

Date of decision: 26/09/2017

Decided at meeting: 26/09/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee

Accompanying Documents: