Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Applicant:  Miller Homes

Location:   Normanton Lane, Bottesford, OS Fields 8456, 7946 and 9744

Proposal:  Reserved matters for 36 dwellings (amendment of part of the site containing 27 dwellings under existing permission)


The Planning Officer (RN) addressed the Committee and provided a brief summary of the application. 


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chairman allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


  1. Clare Thornton (Miller Homes) – Agent on behalf of the applicant


Following questions from Members, Ms Thornton confirmed:

·         The properties would comply fully with Building Regulations in relation energy efficiency, thermal construction and solar gain.  The use of reed beds would support biodiversity.  There would also be extensive planting with workshops planned to discuss this further with the Parish Council.  The provision of travel packs were also a condition of the application and supported sustainable transport.

·         Further information was requested regarding the location of the bus stop – officers would request this information from the Highway Authority.

·         The finish and quality of materials had been agreed with the Planning Officer.  The developer was accredited as a 5 star house builder and used high quality materials and techniques.


During discussion the following points were noted:


  1. It was considered that there was a shortage of smaller 3 bedroom houses and so the developer was doing the right thing by reacting to market conditions;
  2. The Parish Council had been consulted throughout the application process and felt that they had been included in the process;
  3. Clarification was requested regarding the provision of the 3 additional affordable rent units and why this provision had not been split between affordable rent and shared ownership housing.  The Planning Officer had confirmed with the developer that the affordable housing mix as defined in the report was appropriate and in accordance with demand.


Councillor Chandler proposed the recommendations contained within the report.  Councillor Illingworth seconded the recommendations.



That application 19/00588/REM be APPROVED subject to:


  1. The increased provision of Travel Packs supplied by Leicestershire County Council at a cost of £52.85  per pack in line with the original S106;
  2. The increased provision of 6 monthly bus passes supplied by Leicestershire County Council at a cost of £360 per pack in line with the original S106;
  3. Conditions as set out in Appendix B of the report.






  • Both outline and reserved matters planning permission for the development have previously been granted. In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal as revised would provide homes that would contribute to overall needs.


  • The proposal as revised would result in a form of development that would be acceptable in form and would not compromise residential amenity or be prejudicial to highway safety to a significant extent. For these reasons, the proposal is considered to comply with Policy D1 of the Melton Local Plan which requires all new development to be sympathetic to the character of the area in which the site is located. 


Publication date: 19/11/2019

Date of decision: 31/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 31/10/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: