Decision details


Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Applicant:  Jelson Limited

Location:   Land off Hoby Road, Asfordby

Proposal:  Approval of reserved matters related to access, appearance, layout and scale attached to outline approval 16/00570/OUT for the erection of 70 dwellings and provision of swales/drainage infrastructure/public open space


The Planning Officer (RN) addressed the Committee and provided a brief summary of the application. 


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chairman allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


  1. Rob Thorley (Jelson Ltd) – Applicant


·         Mr Thorley confirmed that the adjustment with regard to provision of affordable housing across this site and the Burton Road site was as a result of discussions with Planning Officers indicating that the need for affordable housing was greater in Melton Mowbray. 


  1. Councillor R De Burle – Ward Councillor (Objecting to the recommendations in the report in relation to the decision on the affordable housing mix)


During discussion the following points were noted:


  1. Councillor Higgins confirmed that in his opinion the report on the application for the Burton Road site in April 2019 had not been clear that the increased affordable housing provision was a transfer from this site.  He felt that the reduction of affordable housing provision on this site should have involved consultation with the Ward Member;
  2. The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services confirmed that it was acceptable to offset affordable housing from one site to another provided it met with established need;
  3. The Planning Officer (RN) confirmed that the increase in affordable housing on the Burton Road site was requested in good faith, in order to meet demand, but that in future the Ward Member would be consulted before such a request was made;
  4. Members agreed that the detail and design was much improved from the application that was considered in August;
  5. Members were keen that developers were encouraged  to increase the discounted market housing from 20% to 30% in future in order to assist young people trying to get onto the property ladder.


Councillor Holmes proposed the recommendation in the report and Councillor Higgins seconded the recommendations on the basis that there was provision for consultation with the Ward Councillors and the Parish Council before a decision on the revised affordable housing mix was taken.




That application 18/01517/FUL be APPROVED, with the revised planning drawings subject to:


  1. Addition of a condition relating to the provision of play area (as detailed in the report);
  2. Delegated Authority being provided to the Assistant Director, in consultation with Chair and Vice Chair and following discussions with the Parish Council, and Ward members, to complete a variation of the S106 agreement making for a revised Affordable Housing mix.





The Chairman adjourned the meeting for a short comfort break.


The Chairman reconvened the meeting.



Publication date: 19/11/2019

Date of decision: 31/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 31/10/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: