Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


 Applicant:  Mr and Mrs D Kealy

Location:   Oakley Cottage, 20 Main Street, Grimston

Proposal:   New dwelling


The Development Manager addressed the Committee and provided a brief summary of the application. 


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Para 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chairman allowed the following to give a four minute presentation:


  1. Rebecca Kealy – Applicant


Following questions from Members, Mrs Kealy confirmed:

·         That her 4 year old daughter was in receipt of high rate disability living allowance due to having hypermobility.  The application was to provide a suitable home, with appropriate adaptations to provide a suitable environment to accommodate her daughters needs now and to allow her to live as independently as possible in the future.

·         The particular needs in relation to the requirement for a specially adapted home was made clear in the application.


  1. Councillor Browne – Ward Councillor and representing the views of the Parish Council (Objecting to the recommendation to refuse in the report)


During discussion the following points were noted:


  1. Policy SS2 stated that rural settlements will accommodate a proportion of the Boroughs housing need, this house would mean that the family’s existing smaller property would become available, which satisfies a local need in accordance with Policy SS3;
  2. The existing building is used as a light industrial unit, but it was suggested that it was unlikely to be used as such again, it was also an unsightly building, so on balance the impact on the area would be positive;
  3. The applicant had provided evidence that there was a local need in relation to particular circumstances of a local family;
  4. This was an unique case and the exceptional circumstances demonstrated by the applicant justified departing from the high bar set by Policy SS3;


The Chairman proposed that the meeting continued beyond the three hours time limit as set out in the MBC Constitution.  This was seconded by Councillor Cumbers.

On being put to the vote the motion to continue the meeting was CARRIED.


  1. Members requested whether a first occupancy condition could be added in relation to the applicant.  Officers confirmed this was possible.


Councillor Higgins proposed that the application be approved against officer recommendation, on the basis of the specific and ongoing need of the applicants child for a suitably modified house, subject to a condition on first occupancy and any additional conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services.  Councillor Cumbers seconded this recommendation.




That application 19/00952/FUL be APPROVED contrary to the recommendations set out in the report, subject to:


  1. A condition on first occupancy
  2. A delegation for the Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services to agree any further conditions as appropriate.


(9 in favour of approval, 2 against)




The decision to grant the application, contrary to officer recommendations and the Development Plan was made as Members were satisfied that there existed very exceptional personal circumstances in relation to the ongoing accommodation needs of a disabled child and the strong desire for her to remain resident in her current community, Grimston. Also, that it would make use of a brownfield site and tidy it up from its current derelict appearance added weight to the decision.


Councillor Holmes left the meeting and did not return.


Publication date: 19/11/2019

Date of decision: 31/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 31/10/2019 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: