Decision details

Items for Approval Under Financial Procedure Rules

Decision Maker: Policy, Finance and Administration Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Corporate Director submitted a report to request approval of this Committee under Financial Procedure Rules and to provide information on amounts approved under delegated powers and to report the impact of these on the Council’s reserves and balances.


A Member questioned recommendation 2.5 and the element surrounding the replacement of vans. It was stated that the current vans are five years old and it was asked if it would be sensible waiting a couple of years to acquire more environmentally friendly vehicles. Another Member thought that the Mercedes engines were designed well and could last ten years.


Another Member argued that the new vehicles would be euro 6 emissions standard whereas the old would be euro 4 emissions standard therefore the current vans are very polluting compared to new ones. It was stated that the electric vans are often very expensive and currently they do not represent the best value. 


One Member explained that he does not have the knowledge to say if the vehicles will last another two years and favours replacement to reduce the risk. It was stated that the tax will only apply to cars and not vans.


The Corporate Director explained that there have been complaints previously regarding concerns over the level of the grass cutting service therefore a replacement programme was complied which ensured vehicles and equipment  was replaced in a timely manner ready for the start of the cutting season. It was explained that one option is to defer the purchase of the vans but this could have an impact on the cutting season which starts in March and the replacement programme could be revised.


Councillor de Burle proposed a recommendation that a review of the replacement programme should be included in the budget management strategy. Councillor Rhodes moved the recommendation and Councillor Wyatt seconded.


A Member commented that she is happy a study is being done on the Country Park.


Recommendations 2.1 to 2.5 were moved by Councillor Rhodes and Councillor Wyatt seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour of the original and additional recommendations.




1) the virements approved under delegated powers be noted.


2) the supplementary estimates approved under delegated powers to be funded from budget reductions be noted.


3) a request from the Community and Social Affairs Committee for £10k towards and ecological study at the country park is to be funded from excising resources but if officers are unable to, a formal request will come back to this committee at a future date for approval, be noted.


4) the budget reductions approved under delegated powers be noted.


5) the business case for Environmental Maintenance equipment be approved to be funded by £81,000 from the Repairs and Renewals Fund as approved at MEEA. 


6) Officers to incorporate a review of the Environmental Maintenance front line mower renewal and replacement programme in to the budget management strategy.


Report author: Claire Burgess

Publication date: 07/12/2017

Date of decision: 29/11/2017

Decided at meeting: 29/11/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee

Accompanying Documents: