Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Further to the decision by Cabinet in October, the second stage of consultation with tenants has commenced, offering choices for the service in the future.


A further round of open meetings has been scheduled for tenants and the process has been agreed for the removal of the charge in November for those tenants who wish to leave the service.




1)    NOTED the outcome from the Intensive Housing Management (Housing Support) Review;


2)    APPROVED the establishment of an Independent Living Framework to provide clarity on the Council’s housing support arrangements and associated costs;


3)    DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to make minor amendments to the Framework and to publish the final version on the Council’s website and provide to tenants;


4)    APPROVED that the Council’s Intensive Housing Management Service will cease and be replaced by the arrangements set out in the report recommendations 2.5 and 2.6;


5)    APPROVED the implementation of an Independent Living Support Service applied to properties designated as ‘Sheltered Housing’, as specified at section 5.15 of the report, and;


5.1)        APPROVED that the cost of delivering the Independent Living Support Service is met by an appropriate service charge, as set out at section 5.26 of the report;


5.2)         APPROVED that a 20% discount is implemented in 2024/25, as a contribution to elements of the service that are ineligible for housing benefit;


5.3)         APPROVED that a 10% discount is implemented in 2025/26, as a contribution to elements of the service that are ineligible for housing benefit;


5.4)         APPROVED that the full Independent Living Service Charge will be implemented from 2026/27;


5.5)         APPROVED the commencement of a four-week period of consultation on the proposed Independent Living Support Service for those tenants living within the specified properties;


5.6)         DELEGATED Authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Property, Finance and Resources to consider feedback from the consultation, finalise and implement an Independent Living Support Service Charge and report back to Cabinet if required;


5.7)         DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to create a one-off budget of up to £50,000 to enable improvements to communal areas of the sheltered housing schemes in 2024/25, funded from the HRA Regeneration and Development reserve;


6)    APPROVED the personalised exit and transitional plan, as set out in

section 5.33 of the report for the remaining ‘dispersed’ Council properties that have historically been subject to an Intensive Housing Management charge, the outcome of which will be that each tenant will be directly supported to access alternative support and lifeline services relevant to their individual needs and preferences, and;


6.1)        APPROVED the commencement of a four-week period of consultation on the proposed personalised exit and transitional plan arrangements for tenants in dispersed properties;


6.2)         DELEGATED authority to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Director for Corporate Services and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services, authority to consider feedback from the consultation, finalise and implement the exit and transitional plan arrangements and to report back to Cabinet if required.

Report author: Alison Bennett

Publication date: 07/03/2024

Date of decision: 06/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 06/03/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 13/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: