Decision details

UKSPF and Inward Investment

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider an investment strategy/design guide




1.     NOTED the contents of the report.

2.     DELEGATED authority to the Director for Place and Prosperity, in consultation with the Leader, to undertake any actions required to enable delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding programme (UKSPF) by 2025/26 financial year end.

3.     DELEGATED authority to the Director for Place and Prosperity to enter into any agreements that are required to support the successful delivery of the UKSPF year-4 activity.

4.     ENDORSED and APPROVED the Inward Investment Strategy and DELEGATED authority to the Director for Place and Prosperity, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Town Centre, Growth and Prosperity to make any minor amendments to the strategy that my be required following the current period of consultation.

5.     APPROVED the allocation of £42,500 from the Regeneration and Innovation Reserve to support delivery of Inward Investment Strategy and other related priorities outlined in Section 5.9 of this report.

Report author: Lydia Rusling

Publication date: 12/03/2025

Date of decision: 12/03/2025

Decided at meeting: 12/03/2025 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/03/2025

Current call-in Count: 0

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