Issue - meetings

Matters referred from Scrutiny Committee in accordance with Scrutiny Procedure Rules

Meeting: 23/08/2023 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Matters referred from Scrutiny Committee in accordance with Scrutiny Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 97 KB

·         Scrutiny Feedback on CCTV Post Implementation Review

·         Scrutiny Feedback on Community Health and Well-being Plan

Additional documents:


·       Scrutiny feedback on CCTV post implementation review.

·       Scrutiny feedback on Community Health & Wellbeing Plan.


1)    Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.


2)    Informally ENDORSED the Community Health & Wellbeing Plan.



In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee:


·       Scrutiny feedback on the CCTV post implementation review.


The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Mike Brown, introduced the report advising members that the Scrutiny Committee had met on 25 July 2023 and considered the CCTV post implementation review report.


The Portfolio Holder for Customers, Communities and Neighbourhoods thanked officers for the report and the Scrutiny Committee for their comments and acknowledged that the new system recently implemented is working well and is already preventing crime and should lead to a reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour.


·       Cabinet AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.




In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, this item had been referred from the Scrutiny Committee:


·       Scrutiny feedback on Community Health & Wellbeing Plan.


The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Mike Brown, introduced the report advising members the Scrutiny Committee met on 25 July 2023 and considered the report on the draft Community Health and Wellbeing Plan.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Pip Allnatt thanked officers for their input into the draft report and the Scrutiny Committee for its comments and acknowledged that both the Cabinet comments and the Scrutiny Committee comments had been well received from officers and had been included in the revised draft version of the Health and Wellbeing Plan.


The Portfolio Holder for Customers, Communities and Neighbourhoods thanked officers for the report and highlighted that the document recognised the paucity of digital resources which affects peoples’ ability to access online services.


The Director for Housing and Communities, Deputy Chief Executive, confirmed the following:


·       Comments and consideration from the Scrutiny Committee had been considered and implemented into the Plan.

·       The remit of the Plan is one to which Melton Borough Council contributes along with other Partners with key things we can feed into and influence, one of which will be support around digital access and access to health services.

·       The next step would be to have an action plan that goes alongside the Plan to show the changes that are being made within the community, this would be taken to the Scrutiny for further feedback.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources thanked the Scrutiny for their comments and commented that whilst the Storehouse foodbank provision in the town doesn’t provide fresh fruit and veg, there are several voluntary services and agencies within the provision and network of our district that do so on a weekly basis.




1)    AGREED to have regard for Scrutiny Committee’s feedback.


2)    Informally ENDORSED the Community Health and Wellbeing Plan.