Issue - meetings

Housing Asset Management Plan (Annual Refresh)

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 65)


A report introducing the first planned annual refresh of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Asset Management Plan, meaning that the plan will cover the period 2024-2029.

Additional documents:




1)    NOTED the progress made on delivery of the HRA Asset Management Plan during 2023/2024.

2)    ENDORSED the HRA Asset Management Plan refresh (2024-2025) and associated capital programme.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) introduced the report, the purpose of which introduced the first planned annual refresh of the HRA Asset Management Plan, now covering the period 2024-2029.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) advised the document sets out how we deliver on our capital programme and long term delivery of the HRA business plan.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) advised that the HRA Business Plan and the Asset Management Plan, went through the Governance process in 2023 and that it would be included as part of the Housing and Regulatory work being looked at by Scrutiny Committee in April 2024.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) confirmed there is a commitment to replace electric storage heaters with more affordable forms of heating though there is no timeline for this just yet.  This would be discussed in further detail with The Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Landlord Services and advice sought on how else support can be offered to assist people on heating their properties.


The Portfolio Holder for Customers, Communities and Neighbourhoods requested that in reference to the regeneration of garage sites, consideration should be given for future demand for garage rentals as car ownership is increasing.


The Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services thanked officers for the report.




1)    NOTED the progress made on delivery of the HRA Asset Management Plan during 2023/2024.

2)    ENDORSED the HRA Asset Management Plan refresh (2024-2025) and associated capital programme.


Reasons for Recommendations:


The Asset Management Plan continues the work set out in the HRA Business Plan and supports a proactive and assurance led approach to Housing. It supports the Council to achieve its commitments to deliver high quality council homes across the Borough and to manage available finances and associated capital investment plans effectively.


Refreshing the plan enables continued focus on investment in council homes and keeping tenants safe. It shows how the council will manage compliance with regulatory requirements and meet the decent homes standard across council housing stock. It also refreshes and sets out a clear action plan for future investment, responds to a changing regulatory context, reflects up to date operating costs and plans capital spend accordingly.


It is not a legal requirement to produce an Asset Management Plan, however, it is good practice and helps provide a good framework for capital investment planning and a framework through which the council can demonstrate progress and continued compliance and enables a short-, medium- and long-term view on the financial sustainability of the HRA and any adjustments required.


The importance of clear, robust and effective plan for the safe and proactive management of council homes was brought into sharp national focus over the last year, further to the tragic and preventable death of Awaab Ishak – having a meaningful Asset Management Plan, and ability to evidence delivery, is key to this.