Issue - meetings

Housing Regulatory Update

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 64)


A report providing a position update on the work being undertaken to prepare Melton Borough Council for the introduction of the new regulatory arrangements and seeking approval to establish a Landlord Assurance Board in 2024.

Additional documents:




1)    NOTED the preparations, progress and actions being taken in readiness for the new housing regulation regime which takes effect from April 2024.

2)    NOTED the intention for management to review strategic and operational capacity to ensure continuing progress in key areas; ensuring excellence across the whole housing agenda.

3)    APPROVED the establishment of a Landlord Assurance Board, as set out at Appendix A.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) introduced the report, the purpose of which provided an update on the work being undertaken to prepare Melton Borough Council for the introduction of the new regulatory arrangements of the Social Housing (Regulatory) Act 2023 due in April 2024 and to also seek approval to establish a Landlord Assurance Board in 2024.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) advised members that further reports would be brought forward at regular intervals and that Scrutiny would have a further update in April 2024.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) advised that in terms of engagement tenants would be invited to be included onto the Landlord Assurance Board and the Council would be looking to work with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service, a national organisation, to gain experience in how to train and support tenants in this process. The invitations would be led by the Assistant Director for Housing Management who would invite a wide cross section of tenants onto the Board.


The Chief Executive confirmed the wording under Membership for the Landlord Assurance Board would be altered from Leader of the Opposition, or a nominated representative to Leader of the Opposition, or their nominated representative.


The Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services thanked officers for the report.




1)    NOTED the preparations, progress and actions being taken in readiness for the new housing regulation regime which takes effect from April 2024.

2)    NOTED the intention for management to review strategic and operational capacity to ensure continuing progress in key areas; ensuring excellence across the whole housing agenda.

3)    APPROVED the establishment of a Landlord Assurance Board, as set out at Appendix A.


Reasons for Recommendations:


To ensure Cabinet awareness and oversight of the regulatory context within which the Council is managing its housing function.