Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)


A report presenting the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.

Additional documents:


Cabinet APPROVED the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.



The Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services introduced the Climate Change Strategy report and in doing so moved the recommendations. The Leader seconded the motion.


Members were informed that development of a strategy commenced in spring 2022 and Officers have worked with partners in order to bring forward climate change initiatives. The Portfolio Holder thanked all those involved in producing the strategy.


During the debate, the question was asked on how the strategy link in with what is happening elsewhere. In response, it was confirmed that there is sharing of best practice, which will enhance the way the Council manages the effects of climate change.


The comment was made that the Borough has issue with flooding and sewage in the river, in response it was noted that the fulfilment of recommendations on waste are harder to implement and that some measures would be a collective effort on behalf of all agencies and parties.


It was noted that the Council can’t change national policies, but it can assist with change locally. There would be a few actions happening over the next few years. The comment was made that the Council had reduced it’s own carbon emissions by 12% are and caried out energy audits which would improve the Council’s energy efficiency. It was confirmed that energy usage in Parkside is less than a couple of years ago, however if refurb goes ahead then there would be more energy efficiency measures installed.




Cabinet APPROVED the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.


(Key Decision)


Reasons for Recommendations

In 2019 Melton Borough Council declared a climate emergency, recognising the magnitude of the issue and, as a local authority, the role the Council must play in tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions.


The Corporate Strategy (2024-2036) Vision ’36 identifies long-term Vision statement 8 as “Be recognised as clean, green, and attractive; well on our way to becoming a net zero borough.”


Within the Corporate Delivery Plan (2024-2028), Theme 4 includes “Delivering a net zero borough” by the action of adopting a Climate Change Strategy.


To meet this aspiration the Council has developed the Climate Change Strategy 2024-2036 to set out how it and others can work together to tackle climate change across Melton borough. It sets out a framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and for making the borough more resilient to the impacts of climate change.


The Climate Change Strategy Vision is “to create a resilient, biodiverse, fair and more sustainable future for everyone in Melton borough; well on the way to net zero” and the Vision will be delivered through the key principles and action areas. The route to net zero means focusing our actions on what we can do to avoid and reduce emissions before we consider actions such as carbon offsetting as a last resort, which is clearly laid out in the Strategy.


The Strategy highlights the wider benefits that can come from climate action, to improve our health and wellbeing, reduce our energy costs, provide new  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5