A report setting out our proposed productivity programme and draft productivity plan response.
Additional documents:
1) APPROVED the submission of the Productivity Plan to the Government by 19th July 2024;
2) APPROVED the publication of the Productivity Plan on the Council’s website following this submission;
3) APPROVED the Council’s wider approach to financial sustainability and productivity programme.
Councillor Margaret Glancy, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services introduced the report, the purpose of which was to update Members on the overall approach to the Council’s Financial Sustainability Plan and Productivity Programme and to seek authority to submit the Productivity Plan in accordance with the deadline of 19 July 2024.
Councillor Glancy advised that the planned submission may be a new Government requirement but the Council had always focussed on productivity and efficiency, in order to ensure it continued to balance its finances. The document formalised the good practise already undertaken by the Council.
Councillor Glancy highlighted the Council’s Service Review Programme at Appendix 2, which had commenced with the Customer Journey Review recently considered by Scrutiny Committee. The Council’s Financial Sustainability Plan would be developed further as part of the budget.
Councillor Glancy that submission of the Productivity Plan presented an opportunity to bring together what the Council had done, continued to do and planned to do in the future. It was also an opportunity to highlight to Government the barriers to success and how it can help in the various areas.
Councillor Glancy thanked officers for their work and in do so, moved the recommendations. The Leader seconded the motion,
1) APPROVED the submission of the Productivity Plan to the Government by 19th July 2024;
2) APPROVED the publication of the Productivity Plan on the Council’s website following this submission;
3) APPROVED the Council’s wider approach to financial sustainability and productivity programme.
(Non-key Decision)
Reasons for Recommendations
The report sets out an update on the Council’s approach
to developing and approving our Financial Sustainability Plan and Productivity Programme; setting out our plans for delivering on this in
the medium term.
The report also sets out the proposed response to the
Government’s request to submit a Productivity Plan.