Issue - meetings

Housing Allocations Policy Refresh

Meeting: 11/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 52)


A report providing an overview of the updated Housing Allocations Policy and seeks approval of the policy.

Additional documents:




1)    NOTED the changes made and approve the refreshed Melton Home Search Housing Allocations Policy, and;


2)    DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services to make minor amendments to ensure the policy remains up to date and in line with best practice.


The Director for Housing and Communities, Michelle Howard, introduced the report. Councillor Allnatt moved the recommendations and Councillor Butcher seconded the motion.


Following a query regarding ensuring the right mix of neighbours, it was explained that the Council had a responsibility to allocate according to need, but are guided by the Housing Allocations Policy and the Lettings Policy.


In response to the question on who judges what is adequately housed, it was explained that there is banding criteria and framework which supports the decisions made. However, it was noted that there are occasional exceptions.


In circumstances where someone had too many bedrooms for their needs and how the Council persuades them to downsize, it was explained that the legislation doesn’t allow the Council to force residents to move in those situations. Where the Council could intervene and provide assistance, is when the resident can’t afford to live in their current property.






1)    NOTED the changes made and approve the refreshed Melton Home Search Housing Allocations Policy, and;


2)    DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Leisure and Landlord Services to make minor amendments to ensure the policy remains up to date and in line with best practice.


(Key decision)


Reason for recommendations

The policy has been updated to bring it up to date, and to respond to learning and recommendations arising from casework, internal audit and complaints.