Cabinet are to receive a petition which seeks to install a changing space toilet facility in Melton Mowbray that can be accessible at all hours of the day, seven days a week.
That Cabinet:
Received and NOTED the petition which seeks to install a changing place toilet facility in Melton Mowbray that can be accessible at all hours of the day, seven days a week.
Before the petitions was
presented, it was noted that petitions would usually go to a meeting of Council
but only if they met the required threshold. On this occasion, the threshold
wasn’t met and therefore it was decided that the Cabinet would address the
petition on seeking to install a changing place toilet facility in Melton
Mowbray that can be accessible at all hours of the day, seven days a week. It
was clarified that a changing place toilet was a toilet which could accommodate
a wheelchair and a carer.
Hannah O’Mara, Assistant
Head Teacher at Birch Wood School addressed Cabinet and stated that through the
petition, the signatories wanted to make a bigger impact upon access issues,
with the biggest issue being having access to accessible toilets. Due to a lack
of accessible toilets in Melton Mowbray, then trips into the community had to be time
It was explained that
currently, there are only two changing place toilets in the town, one at
Carnagie Museum, which is only available when the museum is open and the other
at Mencap, which is difficult to use as there are safeguarding issues. It is
for this reason that the petition seeks the installation of a changing places
toilet which can be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Following a query raised
regarding access, it was confirmed that the ideal solution would involve a
secondary key, as radar keys are readily available. There would also need to be
some education on how to access and use the facility.
Cabinet confirmed that since
the petition had commenced, the plans for the Stockyard had been developed to
include a changing places toilet. It was recognised though that additional
locations for changing places toilet are required. Members hoped that the Town
Estate would also provide a changing places toilet at the southern end of the
town centre.
A discussion ensued
regarding the opening time of the changing places toilet
and it was confirmed that the facility should be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, as shutting it at 6pm or 7pm would limit the ability of those who require
such a facility to participate in society.
That Cabinet:
Received and NOTED
the petition which seeks to install a changing place toilet facility in Melton
Mowbray that can be accessible at all hours of the day, seven days a week.