Issue - meetings

Car Park Analysis

Meeting: 01/11/2017 - Melton Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee (previously Rural, Economic & Environmental Affairs) (Item 27)

27 Car Park Analysis pdf icon PDF 76 KB

The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods to submit a Report to provide members with the an update on car park usage since the car park tariffs and delegations were made in 2016/17 and to furthermore seek member guidance on the ‘free’ car parking provision introduced as a pilot in 2016/17.

Additional documents:


The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods presented the car parking usage figures since the change in car parking tariffs and designation made in 2016/17 and asked Members for their view on the ‘free’ car parking provision approved ass an initial pilot.


The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods advised that Members’ ad hoc meeting of 17th March 2016 approved a range of car park tariff changes and other designations, these included:

·         New charges for short and long stay car parks

·         Introduced free 20 minute parking at St Mary’s in 9 spaces

·         Re-designated part of Burton St car park to short stay

·         Removed 1 hour tariff at Mill St

·         Introduced monthly season tickets (6 month and 1 year also retained)


The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods then presented a presentation that showed:


·         Income increased in 2016/17 from 2015/16

·         The number of actual tickets sold was only slightly down and in regards to short stay actually increased. The figures are higher than projected in the modelling, indicating that the increased income is not solely due to the price changes.

·         Income during 2017/18 is slightly lower than in 2016/17

·         Ticket sales are slightly lower in 2017/18 compared to 2016/17

·         The number of ‘free’ tickets has significantly increased in 2017/18 compared to 2016/17 and continues to increase

·         The re-designation of Burton St into short stay has proved positive and provides short stay for people from that side of town

·         The change to Mill St car park has seen a positive uptake of tickets purchased

·         The Tuesday tariff plays a significant part in contributing to the overall car park income, recording 95% occupancy.

·         There has been an increase of seasonal tickets purchased.


The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods advised that the key issue is around the free parking and the potential £36,000 of income that is being lost and advised Members that originally this was introduced as a pilot and asked Members to consider whether this should continue. Also, asked Members to note that other on-street car parking available provides free of charge parking to enable visitors to park for a short time for one item purchases. The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods asked how many of the ‘free’ car parking users would continue to park here with a charge. A Member raised that historically, the topic of car parking would generate public and media attention and perhaps best to maintain status quo and celebrate 90%+ occupancy. A Member enquired whether free evening parking could coincide with the Purple Flag evening economy which starts at 5pm. Currently, parking is free after 6pm and if cost is minimal this could boost the town’s evening economy. The Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods advised of the financial implications and need for assessment.




(1)  Member tool note and made comments on the car park usage presentation attached as Appendix A


(2)  Members continue with the existing charges and tariffs as previously approved to include the ‘free’ car parking pilot provision introduced in 2016/17.


(3)  Continue with the existing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27