Issue - meetings

Corporate Structural Realignment and Associated Implications

Meeting: 12/12/2017 - Council (Item 75)

75 Ad Hoc Policy, Finance & Administration Committee: 7 December 2017 : Corporate Structural Realignment & Associated Implications



(1)       To approve changes to the senior management team and relevant T3 designations, responsibilities, structure and managerial reporting lines as set out in the report. This includes establishing a Director for Growth and Regeneration and Director for Legal and Democratic Services on Chief Officer terms and conditions;


(2)       To appoint a Sub-Committee to oversee the recruitment of the chief officer roles;


(3)       To recommend to Council that notice to terminate the shared legal service is served on Harborough District Council and to delegate authority to the Chief Executive to sign the termination notice. To further delegate authority to the Chief Executive to agree an earlier termination date as appropriate for the Council;


(4)       To approve the creation of an in-house Legal and Democratic Services Team and associated structure; ensuring a managed transition from the shared arrangement;

(5)       To recommend to Council that once the Director for Legal and Democratic Services post is filled that Council should appoint the postholder as Monitoring Officer;

(6)       To note a salary benchmarking exercise has been undertaken by East Midlands Councils and approve the financial implications associated with these changes and to recommend to Council to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Corporate Director, to utilise the Corporate Priorities Reserve for any non-recurring exit costs should they arise;

(7)       To delegate authority to the Chief Executive to amend roles, designations within associated structures to ensure flexibility and effective operational delivery within existing budgets;

(8)       Inline with a previous resolution by the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee, to acknowledge the arrangements established to ensure appropriate senior management cover to meet the Council’s out of hours Emergency Planning obligations;

(9)       That an amendment to the Constitution in relation to Members appointments of deputy chief officers posts and related employment matters as per 4.2 is proposed to the next meeting of Full Council to reflect the flatter management hierarchy approved in 2.1.*

[*A copy of the exempt report previously circulated to the Policy, Finance & Administration Committee on 7 December 2017 is re-circulated with this agenda to Members of the Council only.]


Additional documents:


Councillor Orson presented the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Policy, Finance & Administration Committee meeting held on 7 December 2017 as set out in the Order Paper before Members.  In support of the recommendations, Councillor Orson advised that when the new Chief Executive took up post, the corporate structure was out of balance.  The proposals before the Council sought to address this imbalance and provide the required capacity to take the Council forward as previously referred to in his report.  Members were informed that this would be an initial realignment and that further amendments may be required to the structure in due course. Reference was also made to the proposals to bring the legal service back in house arising from the request from Harborough District Council to cease the shared service arrangement for the Solicitor to the Council role.  In moving the recommendation, Councillor Orson emphasised the fast pace of change that was now happening at the Council.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Higgins who stated that the creation of an in house legal team was very important for officers and Members alike.  A Member expressed her support for  the recommendation regarding provision of an in house legal service.


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously.




(1)       changes to the senior management team and relevant T3 designations, responsibilities, structure and managerial reporting lines as set out in the report be approved. This includes establishing a Director for Growth and Regeneration and Director for Legal and Democratic Services on Chief Officer terms and conditions;


(2)       a Sub-Committee to oversee the recruitment of the chief officer roles be appointed;


(3)       notice to terminate the shared legal service be served on Harborough District Council and delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive to sign the termination notice. The Chief Executive also be granted delegated authority to agree an earlier termination date as appropriate for the Council;


(4)       the creation of an in-house Legal and Democratic Services Team and associated structure be approved, ensuring a managed transition from the shared arrangement;


(5)       once the Director for Legal and Democratic Services post is filled the Council shall appoint the postholder as Monitoring Officer;


(6)       the salary benchmarking exercise undertaken by East Midlands Councils be noted and the financial implications associated with these changes be approved with delegated authority being granted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Corporate Director, to utilise the Corporate Priorities Reserve for any non-recurring exit costs should they arise;

(7)       the Chief Executive be granted delegated authority to amend roles, designations within associated structures to ensure flexibility and effective operational delivery within existing budgets;


(8)       to acknowledge the arrangements established to ensure appropriate senior management cover to meet the Council’s out of hours Emergency Planning obligations inline with a previous resolution by the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee;


(9)       an amendment to the Constitution in relation to Members appointments of deputy chief officers posts and related employment matters as per para 4.2 of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 75

Meeting: 07/12/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 52)

Corporate Structural Realignment and Associated Implications

The Chief Executive to submit a report to ensure resources, structures and capacity match the Council’s aspirations.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report to ensure resources, structures and capacity match the Council’s aspirations for a structural realignment. An updated version of the report was presented to Members at the meeting.


RESOLVED that all recommendations within the report be approved.