Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/05/2019 - Council (Item 6)


To receive a vote of thanks for the retiring Mayor


Councillor Orson proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor.  He said she was nothing short of excellent as Mayor and was always present at important times and events and all the Leicestershire and neighbouring districts had appreciated her presence and company and she had presented Melton in a good light.  He referred to Councillor Chandler’s passionate support for rural affairs and on planning matters and that she had put Bottesford well and truly on the map with her Civic Service last October which was so well attended.  She had gained great respect over the 12 months as Mayor and on behalf of all present he thanked Councillor Chandler for her Mayoral year.    


Councillor Graham MBE said that it gave him great pleasure to second the vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and said it was only during Council meetings that one got the flavour of how much Councillor Chandler had done in the Mayoral role, when she would announce in a calm way how often she had represented the Borough all over the County and beyond. He added that she worked tirelessly as the Council’s ambassador and kept up the punishing schedule to the end, which he knew because he was told how much they appreciated her visit to Wymondham School in his ward in the previous week.  He thanked her for the last year that she had selflessly devoted to serving the Borough and his only concern was personal; that she would  be a very hard act to follow.  It gave him great pleasure to second the vote of thanks for Councillor Chandler’s very special and successful year as Mayor.


In support of the vote of thanks for the retiring Mayor, Councillor Evans read out a statement from the absent Councillor Holmes as follows :-


‘I have had the privilege to accompany the Mayor  this year.  The Mayor has carried out the duty to a superb standard.  Many times she has attended events in the town and wider Borough and has been received with a great deal of pleasure by schools, groups and other organisations.


The Mayoral role is very significant in our Borough as it is in many others.  I was aghast when I heard that there would be no secretary for the office of Mayor, I and others (organisations)and the like feel the same, I do hope the Leader and Cabinet will change this as soon as possible, the Mayor is the face of the Borough, let us never forget.  As I have said I have been privileged to attend some of the Mayors’ functions, have met people from all walks of life and in some cases makes one feel very humble.  I would personally like to thank the Mayor for all she has done this year and also some events she attended as Deputy.


I would like to wish all new Councillors well and hope they get a feeling of being able to help our community.


I have mentioned to our Chief Officer  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6

Meeting: 15/05/2018 - Council (Item 5)


To receive a vote of thanks for the retiring Mayor and Mayoress


Councillor Orson proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor and Mayoress, commenting on the wonderful year of memories they would take away with them.  Councillor Orson thanked Mrs Bains for her support as the Mayoress and praised Councillor Bains for the energy and genuine warmth with which he had engaged with people, citing two events in particular  – the Melton & Belvoir Agricultural Society Annual Dinner and the recent Dinner event at Melton Learning Hub – where his enthusiasm and demeanour had made him a credit to this Council.  Councillor Orson congratulated Councillor Bains on his recent marriage and wished him and his wife all the best for the future.


In seconding the vote of thanks. Councillor Higgins also commended Councillor Bains’ approach and enthusiasm for people and the community.  He also acknowledged the support given by Councillor Bains’ parents.


RESOLVED: that a vote of thanks be recorded for the retiring Mayor and Mayoress.