Issue - meetings

Review of Charges 2019/20-GF

Meeting: 12/09/2018 - People Committee (Item 12)

12 Corporate Review of Charges 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

The Director for Corporate Services to provide a report to Members to:


·         To provide information on the various fees and charges that are agreed by this Committee

·         To recommend changes to these charges to operate from 1st April 2019.

Additional documents:


The Corporate Services Manager submitted a report to provide information on the various fees and charges that are agreed by this Committee and to recommend changes to these charges to operate from 1 April 2019.


In respect of 3.5 - Lifeline, the Deputy Chief Executive advised that Timesage is a brand the council uses as part of a commercial project used to develop services and products with contribution to revenue.  Lifeline is available to all residents of the borough regardless of age, tenancy, vulnerability, income. It provides services such as an alarm in the home, 23/7 phone line, cameras in the home, support for issues in the home etc.  Members agreed it requires better marketing.


In respect of 3.7 and 3.8 – it was clarified that where reference is made to Appendix B and Appendix D showing the proposed fees for activities at Waterfield Leisure Pools and Melton Sports Village that the income from delivering these services is retained by SLM with a proposal on an inflation rise of just 1%.


In regard to Appendix D, Melton Sports Village Benchmarking charges, a request to highlight hourly charges was made.




(1)  the Committee determined that the level of charges for 2019-20 for each of the services set out in the attached table at Appendix A is to operate from 1st April 2019.

(2)  the council will update the scheme of delegation as required under para 3.6.2 of the report to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for activities delivered under Sports Commissioning Plan.

(3)  the council will update the scheme of delegation as required under para 3.11.7 to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for emergency accommodation in line with benefit subsidy rates.