Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Monitoring April 2018 - latest period

Meeting: 31/10/2018 - Place Committee (Item 34)

34 Capital Programme Monitoring To 30 September 2018 And Capital Programme 2018-2023 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

The Director for Corporate services to update the Committee on the progress of schemes within Capital Programme to 30 September 2018 and to determine the Committee's Capital Programme for 2018-23 based on a review of   spending in the current year's programme and schemes included in the programme for later years.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Services Manager


(a)  submitted a report on behalf of the Director for Corporate Services which updated the committee on the progress of schemes within the Capital Programme to 30 September 2018 and requested the committee approve its Capital Programme for 2018-23 based on a review of spending in the current year’s programme and schemes included in the programme for later years;


(b)  tabled Appendix H at the meeting which was a business case for enhancement projects following the preparation of a comprehensive masterplan and action plan for management, enhancement and development of the country park.


There was a discussion around housing priorities and it was noted that as a result of the recent corporate prioritisation exercise, the Fairmead refurbishment had been deferred.  It was noted that this scheme was still included in longer term plans whilst looking at a range of other options for maximising  availability of housing stock both in the affordable and private sector.


With regard to play equipment at the country park, it was asked whether this was to be replaced like for like or whether there was scope for increasing the offer whilst doing the work. 


The Director for Growth and Regeneration responded that a previous committee decision had agreed on like for like however the country park business case at appendix H provided more scope for now and in the future and if improvements could be made they would be added.


It was queried how the project scoring matrix worked on the business cases and it was responded that it was a mechanism of scoring a project against set criteria and the resulting score level helped officers to ensure appropriate monitoring for the complexity/priority of a project.


The Corporate Services Manager advised that there was a replacement and renewal fund which annually reviewed asset maintenance and there was enough in the fund to ensure existing play areas were well maintained.


A member queried whether the ecological study had been commissioned for the country park as this had been mentioned previously and it needed to be  available for when planning applications started to come in.  The Assistant Director responded that this was in progress and had been delayed due to the work on the Local Plan. 


It was also queried that contributions be requested from developers  for repairs and maintenance of play equipment etc.  The Assistant Director advised that he intended to revisit the question of s106 on revenue budget maintenance arrangements for developers and needed to research how this could work and whether it was possible.


There was a question as to whether the play equipment at Kirby Fields would be the only play area for the southern SUE and if so would it be expanded and should budget be allocated for repairs etc.  The Assistant Director advised that due to the expected size of the southern SUE, it would have its own facilities.


Councillor Higgins moved the recommendations in the report.   He referred to a scheme which helped young people attain homes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34