Issue - meetings


Meeting: 31/10/2018 - Place Committee (Item 33)

33 Future Of The 'Melton Local Plan Working Group' pdf icon PDF 109 KB

The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services to submit a report to determine the role of, or replacement of, the Melton Local Plan Working Group in the context that the Local Plan is now adopted.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report which requested the committee determine the role of, or replacement of, the Melton Local Plan Working Group in the context that the Local Plan was now adopted. 


The Assistant Director referred to the positive impact the work of the Melton Local Plan Working Group had had on developing the Local Plan and a new format for the next stage of planning policy work was now needed. 


A member spoke in favour of the previous working group and how well it had worked.  The member felt it would be helpful to continue with a member/officer group for informal discussion on planning policy matters.


Councillor de Burle agreed with this view and moved the recommendations in the report and Councillor Botterill seconded.


It was noted that the third recommendation referred to the new Task Group being made up of 9 Members of the Place Committee.  The Assistant Director advised that this was not his intention and the report should refer to the membership being the same as the existing Melton Local Plan Working Group for the remainder of the Civic Year and that the membership should then be drawn from the Place Committee following the elections in 2019. 


Councillors de Burle and Botterill agreed to accept the change to the recommendation and to their motion.


On being put to the vote, the amended motion was carried.


RESOLVED that the committee


(1)   disestablishes the Melton Local Plan Working Group;


(2)   agrees to establish a Planning Policy Task Group based on the Terms of Reference as set out at Appendix A of the report;


(3)   nominates composition of the new Task Group from the existing membership of the Melton Local Plan Working Group (up to May 2019 after which it should revert to drawing membership from the Place Committee).