The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to submit a report to:
a) Seek approval to adopt the Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide guidance on how the Melton Local Plan (2011 – 2036) policies C2; C4; C5 (and partially SS3) should be interpreted.
b) To advise an SPD does not have development plan status but can be a material consideration in planning decisions.
c) To advise that the SPD will assist in managing development of affordable housing and the housing mix on major residential sites.
d) To advise that a consultation was carried out on the draft SPD for a 6 week period with all relevant stakeholders and members of the public. The comments from the consultation have been considered in finalising the document.
Additional documents:
APPROVED the consultation statement set out at Appendix 1.
APPROVED the Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
comprised at Appendix 2 and it’s accompanying appendices (Appendix 3) for adoption
be approved, subject to the insertion of the additional para. 3.1.7 as detailed
DELEGATED authority to the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and
Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to make any minor
amendments to the wording of the Supplementary Planning Document.
Councillor Leigh Higgins, the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity
introduced the report with the purpose to seek approval from Members to adopt
the Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Supplement Planning Document (SPD).
During discussion, the following points were noted;
The SPD will be a material consideration in planning decisions assisting
with managing the mix of affordable housing and the housing mix on major
residential sites.
It is essential that applicants clearly demonstrate early in the
pre-application process how affordable housing will be integrated into a scheme
and how their negotiations with land owners or site promoters (if different to
the applicant) have factored in fully policy compliant affordable housing to
the agreed land price or option.
The Local Plan allows, in some circumstances, an element of market
housing on rural exception sites, to cross subsidise the affordable
housing. Therefore, proposals for
cross-subsidy schemes will normally be expected to submit an Economic Viability
Assessment (EVA) with a planning application to provide justification for the
ratio of market and affordable housing proposed
Occupancy conditions will apply to affordable housing for rent and
affordable home ownership in the rural areas of the Borough. Each affordable
housing scheme in a rural area will have individual local connection criteria
secured by way of a s.106 agreement.
A balanced range of dwelling sizes and types will be required on a
residential development of market housing, affordable housing or where both are
present. This is to create balanced,
mixed and sustainable communities.
There will be a strong presumption in favour of on-site provision of
affordable housing (in accordance with para. 62 of the NPPF, 2019). However, the SPD explains when there may be
some circumstances in which an off-site contribution may be accepted and how
these will be calculated..
The Council recognises that it will need to monitor changes in values
and costs as they affect viability and this information will be used to assess
if and/or when the SPD needs to be reviewed.
Though a consultation was sent out, only 15 responses were received,
mainly on behalf of developers; planning agents and consultants; a senior
commissioner at the County Council; a Councillor and a Parish Councillor. These
are included as summaries in Appendix 1. This is a disappointing return and
needs to be addressed to be promoted more.
Councillor Higgins proposed an additional bullet point be added to
Appendix 2 (Page 94) as 3.1.7 to read as follows:
Similar to 3.1.6 above, the Council will
similarly adopt a flexible approach to affordable housing tenures and mixes
where justified by other material considerations. For example, where
considerations are present such as the prospect of accelerated delivery or an
enhanced quality of the overall scheme, revised tenure mixes or housing mix
will be considered.
This amendment was seconded by Councillor Orson and approved by Cabinet.
1) Cabinet
APPROVED the consultation statement set out at Appendix 1.
2) Cabinet APPROVED the Housing Mix and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document comprised at Appendix 2 and it’s ... view the full minutes text for item 16