Issue - meetings

Delivery of Building Control Services

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 19)


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services to provide a report to:


a)    Seek approval to join the  Building Control Partnership operating in Leicestershire hosted by Blaby District council and comprising Blaby, Oadby and Wigston, Harborough and Hinckley and Bosworth.


b)    To adjust the staffing establishment in the Building Control team to increase operational capacity and resilience, improve succession arrangements, and avoid duplication with the service provided by the Partnership.


1)    Cabinet APPROVED entering into an agreement with Blaby District Council for the provision of Building Control Services with effect from 1st August 2019.


2)    Cabinet DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Blaby District Council for the provision of the Building Control service to Melton Borough Council.


3)    Cabinet NOTED that the Chief Executive will exercise his delegation in relation to any changes required to the staffing structure within the Building Control Team providing the overall costs (combined with the Partnership contributions) do not exceed current expenditure.



Councillor John Illingworth, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services, introduced the report with the purpose to seek approval to join the Building Control Partnership operating in Leicestershire, hosted by Blaby District Council.


During discussion, the following points were noted;



The introduction of Approved Inspectors (AIs) and private sector alternative service providers has created a challenging market for Building Control services resulting in local authorities across the Country experiencing a significant reduction in market share and therefore fee income.


The current position of the Council operating its own freestanding Building Control Service independently and in-house has significant sustainability challenges going  forward, both in terms of the financial costs to the Council and also in terms of providing a consistent and reliable service to customers.




1)    Cabinet APPROVED entering into an agreement with Blaby District Council for the provision of Building Control Services with effect from 1st August 2019.


2)    Cabinet DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Blaby District Council for the provision of the Building Control service to Melton Borough Council.


3)    Cabinet NOTED that the Chief Executive will exercise his delegation in relation to any changes required to the staffing structure within the Building Control Team providing the overall costs (combined with the Partnership contributions) do not exceed current expenditure.




The provision of Building Control services in partnership with Blaby District Council and other partners will provide the opportunity to deliver a more robust, resilient and competitive commercial Building Control service, that is able to operate more effectively in an increasingly competitive environment


The staffing arrangements will enable sufficient operating capacity locally, and assist in the resilience of the team and staff succession, with a reduction in operating costs.