Issue - meetings

Developer Contributions: Update and Proposed Approach

Meeting: 09/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 17)


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to provide a report to


a)    Update members on progress and issues around implementing the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and to seek agreement for an approach that in the short to medium term, consolidates the role of Section 106 contributions as the primary means of securing developer contributions for local infrastructure. It also commits the Council to revisiting progressing CIL when the current instability and uncertainty in the development and construction sectors has abated.


b)    Consider how the developer contributions collected could be used more effectively to achieve the Council’s local plan and growth priorities and recommends preparation of  a Developer Contributions SPD. It makes specific recommendations for an open spaces and children’s play strategy to be prepared to guide the amount, size, type and location of open spaces provided and the use of developer contributions collected. It would also provide the basis for bidding for complementary funding for strategic provision that could benefit residents and visitors alike.


1)    Cabinet AGREED that Progress on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be suspended.


2)    Cabinet NOTED that High priority to working with Leicestershire County Council and other public sector infrastructure providers to prepare a Melton Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, to develop a strategic, justifiable and transparent approach to securing developer contributions.


3)    Cabinet NOTED the preparation of an Open Space and Children’s Play Strategy for Melton



Councillor Leigh Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, introduced the report to update members on progress and issues around implementing the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)..


During discussion, the following points were noted;


Developer contributions collected could be used more effectively and preparation is recommended for a Developer Contributions SPD.


The adopted Local Plan (Policy EN7) requires the provision of open space to meet identified deficiencies and to sustain quantity standards as the population grows. It opens the way for a more strategic, design-led approach to open space provision, that focusses on enhancing and providing green infrastructure in the areas identified in the plan (Policy EN3 and EN7). This is a marked change from the previous approach which was to provide new open space on a pro-rata basis for every development of 10 houses or more. To sustain the attractiveness of Melton Mowbray as a place to visit - it could, for example, consider how a high quality well located strategic ‘destination’ outdoor children’s play facility could meet local needs more.




1)    Cabinet AGREED that Progress on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be suspended.


2)    Cabinet NOTED that High priority to working with Leicestershire County Council and other public sector infrastructure providers to prepare a Melton Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, to develop a strategic, justifiable and transparent approach to securing developer contributions.


3)    Cabinet NOTED the preparation of an Open Space and Children’s Play Strategy for Melton




With regards to Community Infrastructure Lev, the course of action proposed is in order to avoid abortive work where a positive cost /benefit analysis cannot be predicted


It is necessary to ensure a robust deliverable approach to collecting developer contributions for local infrastructure priorities, in the absence of an adopted CIL charging schedule


The approach recommended would also ensure that fair and appropriate developer contributions can be secured from developers for facilities that the Council delivers and maintains, and an approach to prioritisation where all infrastructure requests cannot be met


Finally, item (iv) would underpin an approach to open space and children’s play provision that ensures a sustainable portfolio of well used high quality accessible spaces.