Issue - meetings

Melton Sports Village Tennis Courts

Meeting: 26/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 37)


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to provide a report to Cabinet to approve the proposal to submit a bid to the Lawn Tennis Association to enable improvements to be delivered to the tennis courts to meet necessary standards. Also to approve the Melton Borough Council’s contribution to the improvements subject to Council approving the inclusion in the draft Capital Programme.



Additional documents:


1)    Cabinet APPROVED that the Council submit a bid to secure funding to deliver the required improvements to the tennis courts at the Melton Sports Village.  The total investment required was anticipated to be £120k, to include principle match funding of £40k from the Council and £20k from a community partner;


2)    Cabinet AGREED that release of £40k Council funding was conditional upon:


·         Identification of and ability to work with a trusted partner.

·         Receipt of £20k of community funding.

·         Receipt of up to £60k of grant funding.

·         Evidence of a suitable business case showing payback for the Council inclusive of the potential to lose £5k rental.

·         Prior to release of the Council funds, Cabinet would be satisfied with future arrangements for the tenure of the site, to include future arrangements for maintenance and investment.


3)    Cabinet RECOMMENDED that Council approve the allocation of a sum of £120k (access subject to the above conditions being met)be included within the Capital Programme 2019/20 for improvements to the tennis courts at Melton Sports Village (to be funded £60k from grant funding, £20k community funding and £40k from the Council’s own resources;


4)    Cabinet DETERMINED to fund the Council’s £40k contribution from capital receipts.


Councillor Leigh Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity introduced the report, the purpose of which was to set out proposals for the Council to submit a bid to enable improvements to be delivered.


Councillor Higgins circulated proposed amendments to the recommendations as noted below.  He provided a summary of the report, advising that the Council had let the tennis courts at the site to Melton Mowbray Tennis Club since 2016 (on an initial one year agreement and they currently had the right to use it until 2022) and the club had grown quickly, investing approximately £25k of its own funds in the courts.


Councillor Higgins advised that the Council had to invest in the tennis courts if they were to be retained and meet the necessary standards.  No action would result in decommissioning the courts, with a loss of income from rent.


During discussion the following points were noted:


      i.        Councillor Higgin’s was thanked for his work on this issue.

    ii.        The Release of Council funding to improve the facilities at the tennis courts was conditional on the identification of a trusted partner, match funding being achieved, evidence of a financial business case and suitable tenure arrangements being in place for the future.  All of this would require a report to Cabinet before any release of funding.

   iii.        It was noted that Members were in favour of the Council being commercial and securing its financial future.  This was an opportunity to secure an income for the Council based on an asset and it was vital that the Council made a financial return on its investment.

   iv.        It was noted that the Council had received significant public engagement through its Health and Fitness survey.  The tennis courts contributed to the positive health and wellbeing of the community.

    v.        Concern was raised about the Council investing such a large amount of money when currently it received only £5k per annum rental income in return.  Further information would come forward in the business case which was a condition of the funding. 

   vi.        Members noted and agreed the amendments and addition to the recommendations at 3.0 of the report.

  vii.        Members agreed to fund the Council’s £40k contribution to the investment in the tennis courts from capital receipts.




1)    Cabinet APPROVED that the Council submit a bid to secure funding to deliver the required improvements to the tennis courts at the Melton Sports Village.  The total investment required was anticipated to be £120k, to include principle match funding of £40k from the Council and £20k from a community partner;


2)    Cabinet AGREED that release of £40k Council funding was conditional upon:


·         Identification of and ability to work with a trusted partner.

·         Receipt of £20k of community funding.

·         Receipt of up to £60k of grant funding.

·         Evidence of a suitable business case showing payback for the Council inclusive of the potential to lose £5k rental.

·         Prior to release of the Council funds, Cabinet would be satisfied with future arrangements for the tenure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37