The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to submit a
report to inform Cabinet of the actions taken so far and to propose a series of actions to improve the facilities at the
Thorpe Road Cemetery owned by Melton Borough Council.
Additional documents:
1) Cabinet APPROVED the Cemetery Improvement Action Plan;
2) Cabinet APPROVED the proposed changes to service charges to take effect from 1 December 2019;
3) Cabinet RECOMMEDED that Council approve the use of special expense reserve to cover the one-off cost for the improvement plan;
4) Cabinet APPROVED the commencement of works to explore options on how to make optimum use of Thorpe Road Cemetery and consider options for available sites for future provision.
Councillor Leigh Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Growth and
Prosperity introduced the report, the purpose of which was to inform Cabinet of
the actions taken so far and to propose a series of actions to improve the
facilities at the Thorpe Road cemetery owned by the Council.
Councillor Higgins provided a brief summary of the report,
thanking Members for their feedback and the public for their engagement. The public had taken ownership of this issue
and this report was a huge testament to them.
Councillor Higgins commented that the cemetery was a key
community facility and the Council needed to invest in this. One-off improvement works, detailed at Appendix
A of the report were estimated at £17k.
He highlighted the proposed charges for the cemetery services, as
detailed at Appendix B of the report.
While it was proposed to increase most charges, all child (age 0-12),
infant and still-born burials charges were proposed to be removed.
Councillor Higgins highlighted that the cemetery had an
estimated supply of five years worth of space left and it was important to plan
ahead. Measures were being taken in view
of this and were detailed at paragraph 6.9 of the report.
Councillor Higgins proposed an amendment to the
recommendation at paragraph 3.2 of the report (that changes to service charges
take effect from 1 December 2019 instead of 1 April 2020). Cabinet approved this amendment.
During discussion the following points were noted:
Members noted the excellent work undertaken by
Councillor Higgins, officers and the public on the Improvement Plan. The public, town and ward Councillors had led
on this issue. Action had been taken on
concerns raised by the public and the feedback received from town and ward
Councillors had been vital.
1) Cabinet
APPROVED the Cemetery Improvement
Action Plan;
2) Cabinet
APPROVED the proposed changes to
service charges to take effect from 1 December 2019;
3) Cabinet
RECOMMEDED that Council approve the
use of special expense reserve to cover the one-off cost for the improvement
4) Cabinet
APPROVED the commencement of works
to explore options on how to make optimum use of Thorpe Road Cemetery and
consider options for available sites for future provision.
for decision:
The Cemetery was a key element of community facilities offered and managed by the Council. It was important to provide a good quality environment and service to the customers choosing to use this service.