Issue - meetings

Health and Safety Update Report

Meeting: 14/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 119)


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Resources to submit a report updating Cabinet on the Council’s Health and Safety activities and providing assurance that the risks and responsibilities relating to the Covid-19 outbreak, continue to be actively and appropriately managed.





1)    NOTED the content of the report;


2)    APPROVED the proposed actions and continued improvements


Andrew Cotton, Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report, the purpose of which was to update Cabinet on the Council’s Health and Safety activities and provide assurance that the risks and responsibilities relating to the Covid-19 outbreak continued to be actively and appropriately managed.


Mr. Cotton advised that the report focused on higher risk areas and areas of particular relevance (governance arrangements and changes in relation to internal governance of health and safety issues, the requirement of the Health and Safety Officer position, the focus group for health and safety action).  He highlighted landlord health and safety related to the Council’s housing stock, which had been an area of particular focus, overseen by the Housing Improvement Programme Board.  Work had continued on fire safety actions (impacted by Covid-19 lockdown) and the Council work closely with Leicestershire Fire Service.  Gas safety was at 100% compliance, which had been a significant achievement during lockdown.


Mr. Cotton advised that the results of the recent staff survey, which reflected the change in working practices during lockdown and the importance of ensuring the wellbeing of staff working from home was detailed at paragraph 5.15 of the report.  A majority of people had been successfully working from home and the general well being of employees was good.


Mr. Cotton highlighted that in relation to Covid-19, a risk based, robust approach to service delivery, sensitive to the needs of service users had been developed in line with Government guidance.  In view of the recent announcements on the 3 tiered response to Covid-19, the Council continued to monitor and manage the risks appropriately in line with Public Health requirements, meeting Government guidance and the heath, wellbeing and safety of people in the borough, staff, Members, key partners and stakeholders, while continuing to deliver services, maintaining the balance in a positive and proactive way.


Councillor Ronnie de Burle, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Resources advised that the Council’s health and safety responsibilities exceeded those of the average work place. The Council used the plan, do, check and act model and undertook a programme of continuous performance monitoring.  It was important that all staff understood their health and safety responsibilities and provide for this through mandatory training, its Whistleblowing Policy and surveys.


During discussion, the following points were noted:


·         Members thanked officers for their work, commenting that the report was comprehensive.

·         Members noted the Council’s wide ranging health and safety responsibilities, highlighting that Covid-19 had extended these responsibilities further.

·         The results of 2 key questions from the staff survey, as detailed at paragraph 5.17 of the report were very good.

·         100% compliance of gas certification was an excellent achievement.  Ensuring safe housing with monitoring and minimal intrusion was key.

·         Education and training to support and promote safety was vital to protect staff and the public.




1)    NOTED the content of the report;


2)    APPROVED the proposed actions and continued improvements


Reason for the decision


Health and Safety is taken seriously by the Council and it adopts an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 119