The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity (and Deputy Leader) to submit a report seeking the agreement of Cabinet to adopt the Melton Mowbray Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan, following the responses received from consultation feedback
Additional documents:
1) NOTED the responses given to consultation comments;
2) ADOPTED the Melton
Mowbray Open Spaces Strategy and Action Plan which appears at Appendix 1,
Opportunity to reclassify some types of existing
open spaces to help with deficiencies in semi-natural open space and
allotments, which will reduce maintenance costs;
A methodology to allow for developer contributions
to provide investment in off-site open spaces or enhancement to those existing
nearby, or allow for strategic investment in larger projects, in lieu of
on-site provision of often limited value;
The potential for a large publically accessible
site to the south of the town for further investigation;
A methodology for capital and revenue contributions
from developers to be negotiated in Section 106 agreements to provide clear and
transparent costs for the Council to consider the adoption of open spaces in
future developments;
3) NOTED the recommendations within the Cemetery
Provision Report to inform future consideration of cemetery provision.
Jim Worley, Assistant
Director for Planning and Delivery introduced the report, the purpose of which
was to seeking the agreement of Cabinet to adopt the Melton Mowbray Open Spaces
Strategy and Action Plan, following the responses received from consultation
Mr Worley advised that the
Strategy and Action Plan enabled a more strategic and design led approach to
open spaces. Key findings included:
Mr. Worley advised that
information on cemetery provision was detailed within Appendix 3 of the report.
Mr. Worley highlighted that
this strategic approach was a significant change in direction and would lead to
better facilities for the whole community.
It was important that stakeholders recognised this and the future
changes as a result. He emphasised that
the role of open space (to protect a view or a feature or provide relief from
the built form) remained and would be expected from developers under planning
policy and the forthcoming Design SPD, even if the provision of recreation was
found elsewhere through off-site solutions.
Councillor Leigh Higgins,
Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration (and Deputy Leader highlighted the
importance of identifying suitable open space to be used as a new
cemetery. He reiterated that the
Strategy and Action Plan represented a fundamental change in how the Council
would deal with open spaces in the future but would not compromise design
requirements. This strategic approach
would be welcomed by many Councillors who had worked on the Local Plan.
Councillor Higgins drew
Members attention to the table on capital contributions for new open spaces,
detailed at paragraph 4.19 of the report.
This showed the value attached to the green space and provided clarity
and transparency in the way the Council sought developer contributions.
During discussion the
following points were noted:
NOTED the responses given to consultation comments;
ADOPTED the Melton Mowbray Open Spaces Strategy and Action
Plan which appears at Appendix 1,
· Opportunity to reclassify some ... view the full minutes text for item 130