Issue - meetings

Southern Sustainable Urban Extension Masterplan

Meeting: 22/04/2020 - Cabinet (Item 85)


The Leader of the Council to submit an update on progress and next steps in relation to production of a Masterplan for the South Sustainable Neighbourhood.


To follow.


(1)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED the existing requirement, established within the Local Plan, to produce a masterplan for the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood;


(2)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED that in line with current understanding, to meet the requirements of the Housing Infrastructure Funding, the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood masterplan needed to be completed and approved by the end of June 2020;


(3)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED the key issues that the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood masterplan needed to address and ENDORSED the approach Melton Borough Council would take to deliver it and the requirements and expectations placed upon partners and developers in delivering it within the required timescales;


(4)  Cabinet NOTED that in line with the appropriate provisions within the Contract Procedure Rules, the Council had appointed a consultant to support development of the Masterplan. The decision took into account previous work undertaken and time constraints and the costs of appointing the consultant would be funded from the Local Plan reserve.


(5)  Cabinet DELEGATED AUTHORITY to the Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader to make any amendments to the timescales, deliverables and contents of the masterplan following changes in advice and guidance provided by Homes England and through discussions with Leicestershire County Council.


Councillor Joe Orson, Leader of the Council introduced the report, which updated Members on progress and next steps in relation to production of a Masterplan for the South Sustainable Neighbourhood.


Jim Worley, Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery gave a brief summary of the report and advised that the Council was reinvigorating its efforts on the Masterplan and was doing this at pace.


Integral to the Masterplan was Leicestershire County Council’s successful Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) Bid.  This presented a demanding timetable for the Council, as detailed at paragraph 5.5 of the report.  The County Council had stated it intended to inform Homes England of its intention to accept HIF monies by 31 May and the Masterplan would be brought before Cabinet in June.


Mr. Worley highlighted the recommendations at paragraphs 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 or the report.  The Council’s key partners were the County Council, and developers (there were two main developers).  Next steps included contracting consultants immediately.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members highlighted that the Masterplan would provide important information, including the number and placement of homes, affordable homes, schools, open spaces etc.  This Council, as local planning authority was best placed to lead on this.  It would proceed unilaterally and would engage with stakeholders.

·         Although much of Melton’s infrastructure featured heavily in the north, the south was also crucial to Melton’s economy.  It was incumbent on all stakeholders to deliver what the community needed, housing for the next generation, green areas, play areas etc.

·         Business was also crucial.  Challenge of the kind of work and earnings available in Melton was necessary and investment and reinvestment was key to driving Melton’s economy.

·         The aspirations of residents needed to be realised.  Residents in the south wanted the road in place before any housing and the Council had worked in support of this.

·         The Council was ready to move forward with the Masterplan

·         Members thanked the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chief Executive and Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery for their work on the Masterplan.

·         The Leader thanked MP for Melton and Rutland, Alicia Kearns for her work to move the Masterplan forward.




(1)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED the existing requirement, established within the Local Plan, to produce a masterplan for the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood;


(2)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED that in line with current understanding, to meet the requirements of the Housing Infrastructure Funding, the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood masterplan needed to be completed and approved by the end of June 2020;


(3)  Cabinet ACKNOWLEDGED the key issues that the Melton South Sustainable Neighbourhood masterplan needed to address and ENDORSED the approach Melton Borough Council would take to deliver it and the requirements and expectations placed upon partners and developers in delivering it within the required timescales;


(4)  Cabinet NOTED that in line with the appropriate provisions within the Contract Procedure Rules, the Council had appointed a consultant to support development of the Masterplan. The decision took into account previous work undertaken and time constraints and the costs  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85