The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and Resources to submit a report providing Members with information on the provisional year end for the General Fund accounts, the final position for which is still subject to external audit approval for 2019-20 and providing information on the implications on the Council’s balances and reserves.
Additional documents:
(1) NOTED the provisional year end position, variations to the 2019-20 approved budget and the resultant effect on the Council’s balances and reserves for the General Fund;
(2) RECOMMENDED to Council that £300k of the business rates equalisation reserve be allocated to support any unfunded Covid-19 expenditure.
Dawn Garton, Director for Corporate Services
introduced the report, the purpose of which was to provide Members with
information on the provisional year end for the General Fund accounts, the
final position for which was still subject to External Audit approval for
2019-20 and to provide information on the implications on the Council’s
balances and reserves.
Mrs. Garton advised that the external audit would commence in August
and results would likely be submitted to Audit and Standards Committee on 24
November 2020, rather than 29 September 2020, due to a delay in the audit of
the pension fund accounts, which fed into the Council’s Statement of Accounts.
Mrs. Garton highlighted that performance of individual budgets,
including budget holder comments on significant variations was detailed at
Appendix A of the report. The General
Fund was underspent by £126k against the approved budget and Special Expenses was
underspent by £81k. Paragraph 4.6 of the
report detailed the position on the reserves, excluding any impact as a result
of COVID-19.
Mrs. Garton commented that the provisional year end position being
close to the approved budget and the overall underspend of funds was
positive. However, the accuracy of in
year forecasting needed to be improved, especially in light of the anticipated
results of COVID-19 (the potential impact of which on the Council’s finances was
detailed paragraphs 9.2, 9.3 and 9.5 of the report). The report had been drafted without
anticipated information from the Government on a third tranche of funding. Should this funding not be sufficient, the
Council would need to meet any residual shortfall from its own reserves. The Council would be severely restricted in
its ability to invest in future projects if its reserves were depleted as a
result of COVID-19 and officers were aiming to mitigate this risk by
identifying savings options. The impact
on finances was in constant review and officers would continue to lobby
Government for sufficient resources to cover the additional expenses and loss
of income.
Councillor Ronnie de Burle, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance and
Resources thanked the Director for Corporate Services and her team for their
work on closing the 2019/20 accounts, commenting that there had been
conflicting demands on time over recent months and this was a tremendous
Councillor de Burle reiterated that the Council’s performance against
the approved budget had been very good and he highlighted the importance of the
Council improving its forecasting. The
impact of Covid-19 was a significant concern and support from Government was
vital but may not be enough to mitigate the total loss in Council revenue. There was massive uncertainty on the
Council’s long-term financial position.
It was imperative that the Council exercised maximum diligence so that
next year’s budget was minimised to ensure there was no unfunded financial
demands on reserves and improve the Council’s financial sustainability.
During discussion, the following points were noted:
· COVID-19 had a massive financial impact on the Council. Two tranches of funding had been received from the Government, with a third anticipated ... view the full minutes text for item 98