Issue - meetings

Performance Reporting 2023/24

Meeting: 08/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 220)


The Leader of the Council to submit a report advising Members on the current state of performance against the defined performance reporting measures for the priority themes within the Council’s Corporate Priorities for the first and second quarter of the financial year 2021/22.

Additional documents:


Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report.


Director for Corporate Services introduced and summarised the report. Members were informed that the report covers the first six months of 2021/22.


Councillor Browne commented that there had been an increase in housing complainants, however he informed Members that this is a positive development as previously the Council weren’t recording them as robustly as we should have done.




Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and provide any observations or actions to the relevant officers accordingly.


Reason for the recommendation

Having established a new Corporate Strategy in September 2020, is it important the Council regularly receives and considers performance information to evaluate progress. The Council's Corporate Performance Measures are used to focus on key priority services and projects and seek to help inform the Cabinet, Members and Officers with regard to the formation of policy and oversight of delivery. This report will be provided to Cabinet twice a year and will also be provided to the Scrutiny Committee to enable them to consider appropriate areas for their Work Programme.

Meeting: 16/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 136)


The Leader of the Council to submit a report advising Members of current performance against the defined performance measures for the priority themes within the Council’s Corporate Strategy and providing details relating to the first and second quarters of the financial year 2020-21 and progress against key activities and projects.

Additional documents:


Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and provided observations or actions to the relevant officers.


Dawn Garton, Director for Corporate Services introduced the report, the purpose of which was to advise Members of current performance against the defined performance measures for the priority themes within the Council’s Corporate Strategy and to provide details relating to the first and second quarters of the financial year 2020/21 and of progress against key activities and projects.


Mrs. Garton advised that the detailed information contained in appendix 1 was summarised in the report.  Scrutiny Committee would consider this information on 22 December and this would help inform the Committee’s Workplan.


Councillor Joe Orson, Leader of the Council commented on the importance of the report and highlighted that it was the first to set out the Council’s performance against its priorities and objectives within the new Corporate Strategy.

During discussion the following points were noted:


  • Members noted that the report was comprehensive, detailing the work undertaken by the Council and the many improvements it had achieved (in housing benefit payments, homelessness and the use of bed and breakfast accommodation etc.)
  • Tackling homelessness was a priority for Members and officers.  There was concern that homelessness may increase due to financial issues resulting from Covid-19 but the Council was prepared to address this.
  • Members commented on the Council’s priority to provide excellent services for the community and thanked all staff for their work to achieve this.


Cabinet NOTED the contents of the report and provided observations or actions to the relevant officers.


Reason for the decision


Having established a new Corporate Strategy in September 2020, is it important the Council regularly receives and considers performance information to evaluate progress. The Council’s Corporate Performance Measures are used to focus on key priority services and projects and seek to help inform the Cabinet, Members and Officers with regard to the formation of policy and oversight of delivery. This report will be provided to Cabinet twice a year and will also be provided to the Scrutiny Committee to enable them to consider appropriate areas for their Workplan.