The Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement to submit a report informing Cabinet of the work done so far and the implications arising from the ballot process and seeking approval for the relevant documents.
To follow.
Additional documents:
1) NOTED that the BID Proposal and the Draft BID Business Plan complied with the Regulations;
2) PROVIDED formal comments for the consideration of the BID Board and REQUESTED that those comments were reflected in the Final Business Plan document;
3) DELEGATED authority to the Director for Growth & Regeneration to finalise the Draft Operating Agreement, including the levy collection charges, in consultation with the Leader;
4) APPROVED the Statement of Baseline Services;
5) DEFERRED the decision in relation to the Council’s votes in the upcoming ballot, pending receipt of the Final Business Plan;
6) NOTED arrangements in place for the ballot in October 2021 and that the Returning Officer (Edd de Coverly - Chief Executive) would formally instruct Civica to conduct the ballot in accordance with the Regulations.
Pranali Parikh, Director for Growth and Regeneration introduced the report, the purpose of which was to inform Cabinet of the work done so far and the implications arising from the ballot process and seeking approval for the relevant documents.
Mrs. Parikh advised that the Melton Mowbray BID, established in 2011 had undertaken 2 successful terms and a renewal ballot would be held in October 2021. The Council had worked with the BID to improve town centre vitality, vibrancy and economic growth for businesses within the BID area. The role of the Council to support a successful BID ballot process were:
· As Returning Officer and ballot holder. A timetable for the BID ballot was detailed at paragraph 5.1.2 of the report and subject to Cabinet approval, the ballot would be held in October.
· In establishing the Business Plan. The draft Business Plan was detailed at Appendix B of the report and would be finalised following the consultation process. The Key priorities, BID boundary and structure of the BID Board remained the same as for the previous term. The Business Plan complied with all Council key priorities, policies and procedures.
· As billing authority for the levy collection. The Council was required to collect the levy including issuing invoices and carrying out enforcement action), dealing with customer enquiries and reporting monthly to the BID Board. This was at a cost of approximately £18k per year to the Council (not including any services that the Council provided within the BID area). The draft Operating Agreement as detailed at Appendix C would be finalised following discussions and negotiations with the BID and in consultation with the Leader.
· As major service provider. The Council worked with the Town Estate and BID Board in provision of services within the town centre. Appendix D detailed basic services provided (statutory services and discretionary services). The Council was able to amend, review, change or cease the provision of its discretionary services, subject to approval by Cabinet.
Mrs. Parikh highlighted the Council’s role as a levy payer and its significant contribution towards the levy. There were 19 Council owned properties within the BID levy area, resulting in approximately £8k towards the levy collection. This was in addition to contributions from rate payers within the properties (as tenants, occupiers etc.)
Mrs. Parikh updated Members on the consultation to date, advising that approximately 12% of businesses had responded. Of those 80% were in favour of the BID renewal and approximately 20% were against. She noted that Cabinet may wish to defer its decision on Council votes in the ballot until it had considered all comments in relation to the draft business plan.
The Leader noted receipt of a number of late consultation responses and proposed amendments to the recommendations to read as follows:
2.1 Note that the BID Proposal (Appendix A) and the Draft BID Business
Plan (Appendix B) comply with the Regulations;
2.2 Provide formal comments for the consideration of the BID Board and
requested that those comments were reflected in the ... view the full minutes text for item 190