Issue - meetings

Items for Approval Under Financial Procedure Rules

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 11)

11 Items for Approval Under Financial Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 158 KB

The Head of Central Services to submit a report to provide requests for approval of this Committee under Financial Procedure Rules and to provide information on amounts approved under delegated powers and to report the impact of these on the Council’s reserves and balances.


Additional documents:


The Head of Central Services submitted a report to request approval of this Committee under the Financial Procedure Rules, to provide information on amounts approved under delegated powers and to report the impact of these on the Council’s reserves and balances.


The Central Services Manager explained that 11 requests for virements totalling £140,180 had been made since the last Committee meeting and more detail of those in excess of £10k can be found in appendix A.


A request has been made to this committee from the Town Area Committee for the required capital funding of £18k for play areas to be funded from the Play Areas Repairs and Renewals Fund.


Additional monies were requested from the Leisure Vision Working group for £35k to be funded from the earmarked Leisure Vision capital receipts reserve for full procurement and project management support through to the final tender stage. Requests for a further £13k for project administration and community stakeholder engagement to be funded from existing resources have been made.


A Member emphasised that recommendation 2.4 was vital to be approved and it would send a clear message to bidders.


A request was made from the Community and Social Affairs Committee to use  £21k held in a Wheels to Work contributions reserve to help mitigate the anticipated shortfall for 2017-18


It was also said that some Officers feel that Wheels to Work has a business case of its own as they have ideas about a viable case that could lead to a stream of income.


It was said that there is value in ensuring that the Leisure Vision Project is managed properly and it was stated that the Community and Social Affairs Committee have scrutinised this programme to ensure value for money.


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Orson and Councillor Higgins seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.




1) The virements approved under delegated powers be noted.


2) The budget reductions approved under delegated powers be noted.


3) The business case in para 5.1 be approved and a supplementary estimate of £18,000 be approved from the Play Areas Repairs and Renewals Fund to replace equipment on Kirby Fields and Honeysuckle Way.


4) Additional monies required to support the procurement phase of the Leisure Vision project until the final submission phase be approved, being £35k for project management and legal costs funded from the earmarked Leisure Vision capital receipts reserve and £13k for community engagement to be funded from existing resources, as recommended by the Leisure Vision Working Group and outlined in paragraph 6.1.


5) The £21k held in the Wheels to Work contributions reserve is used towards offsetting the 2017-18 Wheels to Work shortfall as recommended by the Community and Social Affairs Committee and outlined in paragraph 7.1.