Report by Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement on the final draft of the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy (LRWS Strategy) 2022-2050.
Additional documents:
1) ENDORSED the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050 as per Appendix A and RECOMMENDED to Council:
1.1) That the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050 is APPROVED.
1.2) That authority is DELEGATED to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement to sign off any further amendments to the strategy on behalf of Melton Borough Council, to incorporate legislative, regulatory, or national policy changes recommended by the Leicestershire Waste Partnership. Any such changes would be communicated in writing to all members.
1.3) That continuation of the Waste Partnership be ENDORSED but requested that it is developed and enhanced to ensure appropriate political, strategic, and operational engagement.
1.4) That the Leicestershire Waste Partnership is REQUESTED to explore collaborative opportunities which have the potential to deliver environmental improvements, whilst helping to reduce costs across the waste-system, ensuring that mutual benefits are shared across all partners.
The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief
Executive) Michelle Howard introduced the report the purpose of which set out
the final draft of the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy (LRWS)
2022-2050. The LRWS 2022-2050 would be
considered for adoption by all councils that form the Leicestershire Waste
Partnership (LWP) subject to sufficient ongoing additional funding provided by
the Government. This Strategy had
replaced the previous Leicestershire Municipal Waste Management Strategy
originally adopted in 2002.
The Director for Housing and Communities advised that the
strategy had considered forthcoming legislative changes though some changes are
still not yet known due to the delay of confirmation from the Government, these
would be included in due course.
The Director for Housing and Communities advised that
findings from the Public Consultation survey found that 83% of respondents
agreed with the vision of the Strategy with fly tipping being the most common
issue, in response the LWP has committed to add an additional pledge to address
The Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement,
Councillor Alison Freer, thanked the Director for Housing and Communities for
the report stating it had a clear framework through collaboration with partners
and the public consultation.
The Portfolio Holder praised the Council for an excellent
track record on attacking fly tipping and sent a thank you to the Melton
Wombles. She also praised the introduction of the high-profile social media
platforms like ‘what 3 words’ which help to give a precise location for areas
that need attention.
The Portfolio Holder advised that the strategy is also
relevant in sustainability, climate and environment issues by encouraging
reuse, repair and recycle which is in line with the climate environmental
objectives and the climate emergency strategy.
The Leader thanked Ms Howard for the in-depth report.
1) ENDORSED the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050 as per Appendix A and RECOMMENDED to Council:
1.1) That the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050 is approved.
1.2) That authority is delegated to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement to sign off any further amendments to the strategy on behalf of Melton Borough Council, to incorporate legislative, regulatory, or national policy changes recommended by the Leicestershire Waste Partnership. Any such changes would be communicated in writing to all members.
1.3) That continuation of the Waste Partnership be endorsed but requested that it is developed and enhanced to ensure appropriate political, strategic, and operational engagement.
1.4) That the Leicestershire Waste Partnership is requested to explore collaborative opportunities which have the potential to deliver environmental improvements, whilst helping to reduce costs across the waste-system, ensuring that mutual benefits are shared across all partners.
Reasons for Recommendations:
The Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy has been developed over a long period of time, through a collaborative approach between Leicestershire County Council and the District and Borough Councils (Leicestershire Waste Partnership). It has been finalised further to an extensive public consultation and sets out how the Leicestershire Waste Partnership ... view the full minutes text for item 58