Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 77)


The Leader of the Council to provide an update on the risk management arrangements and outline the current significant risks that have been captured by the recent review of the Council’s Strategic Risk Register.

Additional documents:




NOTED the content of the report and the updated Strategic Risk Register and associated risk management action plan, as attached at Appendix A.


Director for Corporate Services introduced the report, the purpose of which provided Members with an update on the risk management arrangements and outlined the current significant risks that have been captured on the recent review of the Councils Strategic Risk Register by the Senior Leadership Team.


The Leader said that it can be difficult to influence some items on the risk register, in particular the NNDR, but some areas we can make significant differences as we have with the Housing Business Plan, this is a testament to all the hard work that has taken place. As we are an ambitious Council there will always be new risks taken, such as the Levelling Up Fund and UKSPF, we should not avoid these risks but recognise and take steps to manage the risks.




NOTED the content of the report and the updated Strategic Risk Register and associated risk management action plan, as attached at Appendix A.


Reason for Recommendations:


Whilst Risk Management forms part of the Audit and Standards terms of reference it is important that cabinet have oversight and awareness of the strategic risks that could impact on the Council and to review the risk management arrangements in place and the activities that are being undertaken to mitigate those risks.