Issue - meetings

Draft UKSPF Investment Plan Development

Meeting: 13/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 22)


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity to submit a report on the draft UKSPF Investment Plan Development.

Additional documents:




(1)  NOTED and ACKNOWLEDGED the significant ongoing progress to develop the UKSPF Investment Plan;


(2)  SUPPORTED in principle the proposals set out in the latest version of the plan but recognised that development and refinement of the plan would continue prior to the submission deadline of 1 August 2022;


(3)  APPROVED submission of the UKSPF Investment Plan and DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, to finalise the plan prior to submission.


Lee Byrne, Regeneration Manager introduced the report, the purpose of which was setting out the latest proposals for incorporation into the Investment Plan.


Mr Byrne advised that the UK SPF was a key element of the government's levelling up agenda. The Council had an allocation of funds, which it needed to develop an investment plan for (how best to utilise £1.19m of funding over a 3 year period up until March 2025).  The funding could be used for a mixture of capital and revenue projects.  There were three overarching investment priorities identified:

·         Community and place

·         Supporting local business

·         People and skills.


Key areas considered throughout the development of this plan was that it needed to be evidence led, to link to national and local strategies and have wide stakeholder engagement.  The stakeholder engagement within Melton had been significant (engagement with working groups, Scrutiny Committee, all Members, via all Member Briefings and with Council partner organisations).


Mr Byrne confirmed that a Stakeholder Advisory Board had been established to help ensure strategic fit with local challenges.  The Board met on 11 July and were broadly supportive of the proposed plans (as detailed at appendix 2 of the report) and some suggestions from the Board would be included in further refinement of the UK SPF Investment Plan.  In addition, a meeting would be held tomorrow with the Helping People Board and feedback would be included in the Plan, for submission by 1 August.


The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor Rob Bindloss thanked officers for their work, commenting that the UK SPF was an opportunity for the town and the borough to benefit.  To understand where the funding would be best used, workshops and discussion with Council partner organisations and stakeholders had been held.  The Plan was drafted in line with their wishes, concerns and ideas and their input would ultimately develop and empower the borough and town centre.  It was important to be realistic and mindful as to the limitations that the funding could be used for and this remained an evolving document. 




(1)  NOTED and ACKNOWLEDGED the significant ongoing progress to develop the UKSPF Investment Plan.


(2)  SUPPORTED in principle the proposals set out in the latest version of the plan but recognised that development and refinement of the plan would continue prior to the submission deadline of 1 August 2022.


(3)  APPROVED submission of the UKSPF Investment Plan and DELEGATED authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, to finalise the plan prior to submission.


Reason for Recommendations:


To ensure that the Council can secure the £1.19m from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and submit a plan prior to the submission deadline on 1st August.


To demonstrate an effective response to the evidence base, member and stakeholder engagement and ensure the submission of a coherent, ambitious and sustainable plan which seeks to deliver improvements under the relevant themes within Melton.