Issue - meetings

Annual Staff Review

Meeting: 12/04/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 81)

81 Annual Staff Review pdf icon PDF 87 KB

The Head of Communications to submit a report to brief members on the current staffing structure as at 1 April 2017 and provide information on changes to the structure since April 2016.



The Head of Communications submitted a report to brief members on the current staffing structure as at 1 April 2017 and provide information on changes to the structure since April 2016.


The Head of Communications explained that this is a report that is brought to this committee each year and it brings together all the decisions made at various committees regarding staffing changes over the year. It was explained that there is also a proposal to apply   an interim arrangement to   the long service policy that was agreed previously by this Committee. It has become apparent that  some staff who are due to retire or be made redundant within the next two years with long service  may l be worse off under the new scheme and the proposal is to protect these employees by allowing them to stay under the old scheme if they opted to do so in the timescale offered .


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Orson and Councillor Glancy seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.




1) The report be noted.


2) That the protection arrangements for the Long Service Policy be approved. To protect employees who were due to retire or being made redundant, for 2 years.  Employees who are identified in that category have the option to defer their long service award under the current scheme and opt to have their long service paid under the old scheme.


(The Head of Communications here left the meeting.)