Issue - meetings

Reconstitute Task Groups

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 6)

Reconstitute Task Groups

It is recommended that:-


1) the Transformation and Efficiency Board be renamed the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group to reflect the governance of the committee.


a) subject to the approval of 1 above reconstitute and appoint Members to the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group.


b) consider and agree the terms of reference in respect of the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group as set out below:-





To act as a Task and Finish Group to give guidance, direction and support to Officers in relation to:


i)         the development of the Council’s Efficiency Plan 2016-2020 (the plan)

ii)        the allocation of priority and resources to deliver the plan

iii)       the delivery of projects included within the plan

iv)       the delivery of the Phase 3 Transformation projects

v)        the introduction of a new commercial approach to Council Services

vi)             (as appropriate).


To carry out oversight and monitoring, as appropriate, of the approved projects.


To consider relevant cultural issues related to both the delivery of efficiency and the implementation of successful transformation, including thorough understanding of the ME2E Programme linkages.


To make an Annual Report to PFA on the progress of the Council to meet the plan and the Transformation Programme.




The previous Members of the Transformation and Efficiency Board were specified and it was agreed that only Members on the Policy, Finance and Administration Committee should be on the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group.




1) The Transformation and Efficiency Board be renamed the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group to reflect the governance of the committee.


2) Reconstitute and appoint the following Members to the Transformation and Efficiency Task Group; Councillors Glancy, Higgins, Holmes, Hutchison, Orson, Pearson and Wyatt.


3) The terms of reference were considered and agreed.