Issue - meetings

Statement of Accounts

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 12)

12 Statement of Accounts 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 182 KB

The Head of Central Services to submit a report to submit the Statement of Accounts for 2016-17 for approval which have been prepared in accordance with the Accounts and Audit  Regulations 2015 and inform the Committee of the key issues within the accounts.


Additional documents:


The Head of Central Services submitted a report to submit the Statement of Accounts for 2016-17 for approval which have been prepared in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and inform the Committee of the key issues within the accounts.


The Central Services Manager explained that the Statement of Accounts for 2016-17 is attached at Appendix A and the Narrative Statement is attached at Appendix B. It was said that the accounts have to be signed by the Section 151 Officer and the unaudited accounts have been published by 30 June 2017, as required. It was highlighted that the accounts are still subject to audit and therefore amendments could be possible.


The Central Services Manager highlighted that the Council has achieved the accounts availability for sign-off before the 31 May 2017, a month before the deadline in preparation for the new sign-off date. The Central Services Manager took time to thank the team for this achievement. Attention was drawn to the Narrative Statement and it was explained that this is provided separately to the Statement of Accounts and is similar to the old Annual Report.


A Member explained that recommendation 2.3 gives Members the option of amending the timing on future meetings to note the Statement of Accounts and the Narrative Statement, but it was felt that the timings should remain how they are.


A Member stated that he feels irritated by the rules requiring the Council to have a separate account for housing but then to have to report on the combined position of the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account and feels that a representation should be made through the Local Government Association to not consolidate these accounts, and it was also felt that the deadlines are difficult. The Chair stated that he will speak to the Chief Executive about this representation.


A question was raised about how the Parish Councils precepts and it was explained that the Parish Councils set the precept which Melton Borough Council gives to the Parish then Melton Borough Council collect from the bills.


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Orson and Councillor de Burle seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.




1) The Statement of Accounts for 2016-17 be noted.


2) The Narrative Statement be noted.


3) Members expressed that the timings of future meetings should remain in July which note the Statement of Accounts and the Narrative Statement as at paragraph 3.6.