Issue - meetings

Digital strategy route Plan

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 9)

9 Digital Strategy Roadmap pdf icon PDF 92 KB

The Strategic Director (KA) to submit a report to consider a more detailed roadmap and resourcing plan for this phase following on from the approval in principle of the Phase 1 Digital Strategy in April 2017.


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The Strategic Director submitted a report which followed on from the approval in principle of the Phase 1 Digital Strategy in April 2017 and provided a more detailed roadmap and resourcing plan for this phase.


The Strategic Director explained that in April 2017 Members of this Committee approved in principle a phase 1 Digital Strategy which would mean that to be successful the Council will need to rapidly embrace and implement a more digital culture across the whole organisation. This will mean massive changes as the Council will only be able to make the most of digital technology if it is able to change and move away from the normal way of doing things.


The key issues for this phase are:

·    To support the development of a digital workforce for Melton Borough Council.

·    To support people in the Borough to be more digitally included and independent.

·    To promote an excellent digital infrastructure for the whole Borough, particularly through moving towards being 5G ready as a Borough.

·    To comply with the Local Government Digital Standards for Council Services.


To enable the Phase 1 Strategy to progress the Strategic Director explained that an initial one-off budget of £40k would be required, to cover an improved test environment, digital inclusion initiatives and marketing of new digital services.


It was clarified to a Member that an online chat facility is available and is used however the resources are not currently available, but as the demand on other channels is reduced then this may free up resources for online chat.


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Higgins and Councillor Glancy seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.




1) Phase one of the Digital Strategy at Appendix A be approved.


2) Phase one of the Digital Strategy Roadmap and Resource Plan at Appendix B be approved.


3) An initial one-off budget of £40K, to be funded from the Corporate Priority Reserve, be approved and that it is noted that any annual costs will need to be built in as growth items as part of the normal budget setting process.