Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring April - June 2017

Meeting: 26/09/2017 - Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (Item 29)

29 Budget Monitoring April - June 2017 pdf icon PDF 151 KB

The Corporate Director to submit a report which provides information on actual expenditure and income incurred on this Committee’s services compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st April 2017 to 30th June 2017.


Additional documents:


The Corporate Director submitted a report to provide information on actual expenditure and income incurred on this Committee’s services compared to the latest approved budget for the period 1st April 2017 to 30th June 2017.


The Corporate Director explained that the budgets which are high risk are subject to more scrutiny on a monthly basis and the position on these budgets to the end of July are attached at Appendix B. The overall predicted position at the year-end on the end of July key services monitoring is an overall underspend of £46k. The key variances for this committees services are set out in paragraph 3.8 of the report.


A Member questioned the loss due to the Council having to reduced rents which had reduced  social security costs to the Government. The Corporate Director explained that the figure is estimated to be around £35m over the life of the business plan which is money that could have been spent improving homes.


A Member explained that a review is required to be carried out around the long term effect of not improving homes and that when the backlog of repairs will peak. A Member said that if the Council is clever then the planned maintenance programme will look expensive in the short term but will save money long term. It was stated that it is 3 years until the rent can be increased.


All recommendations were moved by Councillor Orson and Councillor Higgins seconded.


All Members were unanimously in favour.


RESOLVED that the financial position on each of this Committee’s services to 30th June 2017 be noted along with the year end forecast.