To receive a report on the updated Local Development Scheme covering the period 2022-2026
Additional documents:
1) APPROVED the updated Local Development Scheme in Appendix 1 covering the period 2022-2026.
2) NOTED the Local Development Scheme as presented in Appendix 1 could be subject to change given the challenges surrounding infrastructure provision to support the delivery of the existing Local Plan.
The Senior Planning Policy Officer, Mr Jorge Fiz Alonso,
presented the report, the purpose of which sets out a work programme for Melton
Borough Council’s Local Plan review over the period 2022 to Spring 2026
representing the most optimistic of timelines with further updates likely in
the coming months.
Mr Fiz Alonso advised Cabinet that the Local Development
Scheme (LDS) is a timetable for the Local Plan review, providing information
about existing or expected documents that would influence the Plan and
decision-making and that it is a legal requirement to keep the LDS updated.
The Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, Councillor
Rob Bindloss, advised Cabinet that there would be a need to consider several
uncertainties that could impact on the proposals within this paper including
updates to the Levelling Up Bill and the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road
(MMDR), which would be critical in refining the Local Plan review. He advised Cabinet to be aware that there
could be some changes to the LDS in the short term.
The Leader advised Cabinet that Leicestershire County Council
would be meeting on Friday 16 December 2022 to discuss the funding for the MMDR
and if agreed, then work would start in Spring 2023.
1) APPROVED the updated Local Development Scheme in Appendix 1 covering the period 2022-2026.
2) NOTED the Local Development Scheme as presented in Appendix 1 could be subject to change given the challenges surrounding infrastructure provision to support the delivery of the existing Local Plan.
Reasons for Recommendations:
To ensure that the Council acts in accordance with
the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended).