Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 31)


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services is to submit to Cabinet the Housing Management Policies report which covers the Tenancy Management Policy, Mutual Exchange Policy and Decant Policy.





(1)  APPROVED the following Housing Management Policies:


(i)              Tenancy Management Policy

(ii)             Mutual Exchange Policy

(iii)           Decent Policy.


The Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive) Michelle Howard introduced the report the purpose of which was to present three Housing Management Policies for Cabinet approval.


Mrs Howard informed Cabinet that by having clear and robust policies in place, this would support the Council to deliver high quality council homes and landlord services by demonstrating compliance for both clients and staff. Mrs Howard advised the policies will be uploaded to the website to there will be a library of polices which customers can access regularly and demonstrate to the Regulator that the Council is being transparent with the work that we have got in place. Members were advised that there were more policies under review.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services, Councillor Ronan Browne, thanked Mrs Howard and her team for bringing the documents forward for review and for having a processes and structures in place to allow for documents to be readily available.  Councillor Browne advised there had recently been a workshop around the Asset Management Improvements on the Northgate Housing System and advised that these policies link into that and that officers have a clear system on what they are doing.


The Leader thanked Mrs Howard, Doug Stother and Alison Bennett for the report.





(1)  APPROVED the following Housing Management Policies:


(i)              Tenancy Management Policy

(ii)             Mutual Exchange Policy

(iii)           Decent Policy.



Reasons for Recommendations:


The Council is committed to delivering excellent homes and landlord services and is resolute in its commitment to being an effective and responsible landlord.


Having clear and robust policies, procedures and operating arrangements will support the Council to deliver high quality council homes and landlord services and to demonstrate compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. It will also provide clarity to staff and to tenants and will provide assurance that the associated housing management processes and procedures are transparent, robust, effective and can assist in the management of expectations and resolutions of complaints.