Issue - meetings

Cost of Living Quarterly Update

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 74)


The Portfolio Holder for People and Communities to submit a report on the current position update including an overview of achievements to date, continued partnership engagement, ongoing activities and the work proposed over the next 3-6 months, as part of the Council’s Cost of Living action plan.



1.    NOTED the actions completed to date to support communities with rising costs of living.

2.    ENDORSED the proposed actions for the next 3-6 months through a programme of work to mitigate the impacts of cost-of-living increases for households across the Borough.

3.    DELEGATED to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities, authority to finalise a scope and progress procurement and project management arrangements to enable enhanced access to household provisions across the borough through a mobile solution funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 


Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report, the purpose of which was to update Members of the current position. Including an overview of achievements to date, continued partnership engagement, ongoing activities and the work proposed over the next 3 to 6 months.


The Portfolio Holder for People and Communities, Councillor Malise Graham was pleased to present the report showing how the Council has been proactive in supporting residents.  He said there are no easy solutions, but the Council should be enabling prosperity in communities to reduce the risk and need for intervention in the future.  He was delighted to confirm that on the 16 March together with our partners, the Council will be hosting a community support and information day for residents to drop into Parkside. It is hoped that the event will be repeated in a rural location, at later date.


It was asked if all Members had been advised about the event, confirmation was given that members will be sent the information, along with a list of agencies supporting the event. Along with a social media campaign to promote the event.



1.    NOTED the actions completed to date to support communities with rising costs of living.

2.    ENDORSED the proposed actions for the next 3-6 months through a programme of work to mitigate the impacts of cost-of-living increases for households across the Borough.

3.    DELEGATED to the Director for Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for People and Communities, authority to finalise a scope and progress procurement and project management arrangements to enable enhanced access to household provisions across the borough through a mobile solution funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 


Reason for Recommendations:


Cost of living increases are impacting households across the country, impacting financial resilience and wellbeing across communities. It is important that the council understands local needs and takes appropriate and proportionate action to support residents at a time of significant pressure on household finances.


Through a cost-of-living plan, a range of actions have been progressed / are in delivery. More actions and opportunities to support residents with their financial resilience and wellbeing are planned and / or due to commence. The Council will need to continue to be dynamic in its response in response to local need and impacts, and through a cost-of-living project group is overseeing a range of actions and interventions.


The rising costs of living and associated implications create both an immediate risk and a longer-term challenge. There are no easy solutions. The Council must do all that it can to support residents with their immediate needs, mitigate financial pressures for households, progress appropriate preventative solutions where possible to reduce household bills and costs, whilst also focussing on enabling prosperity in communities and reducing the risk and need for such interventions in the future.


The council was successful in its application for funding to support a cost-of-living project through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Feedback from residents and local partners has helped to guide focus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74