The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services to submit a report providing an update on the Council’s approach and response to damp and mould both with council homes and the rented sector.
Additional documents:
NOTED the approach to preventing,
assessing, and responding to damp and mould in the rented sector and action
plan to further strengthen this approach.
NOTED the positive compliance position in
relation to damp and mould in Council Homes.
3. APPROVED the damp and mould policy for Council Homes.
Director for Housing and Communities introduced the report the purpose of which was to provide Members with assurance of the Councils approach and response to damp and mould across the rented sector, and as a local authority landlord.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Landlord Services said that although this issue had recently been highlighted due to tragic circumstances, the Council had already been looking at the damp and mould issue as part of the Asset Management Programme. Officers are proactive and look out for this issue, not waiting for it to be reported. He gave assurance that procedures are in place to follow up on any reported issues. The Portfolio Holder receives quarterly reports on new cases and existing ones. This issue is in all wards and is taken seriously, because of the Councils response to this issue it will have a positive impact for our tenants and their families.
1. NOTED the approach to preventing, assessing, and responding to damp and mould in the rented sector and action plan to further strengthen this approach.
2. NOTED the positive compliance position in relation to damp and mould in Council Homes.
3. APPROVED the damp and mould policy for Council Homes.
Reason for
Melton Borough Council
has an important role to play in keeping tenants safe, including taking action
to address hazards that occur and seeking to prevent hazards where possible. It
is important that the Council is proactive and is transparent in its approach,
and that as a local authority landlord and strategic housing authority, can
demonstrate that the highest housing standards can be met. Scrutiny is an
important part of this. Scrutiny committee comments and feedback are welcome to
further develop work on damp and mould.
The Council has
submitted formal responses to provide information and assurance to the
Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing
and Communities (DLUHC).
The Council’s Scrutiny
Committee considered a report on damp and mould in January 2023. Feedback from
this meeting has been shared with Cabinet and has helped to shape a specific
damp and mould policy for council homes. This policy is recommended for approval
by Cabinet.