Issue - meetings

General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget 2022/23 Provisional Year End

Meeting: 19/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget 2022/23 Provisional Year End pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Report by Director for Corporate Services to provide information on the provisional year end for General Fund Services for 2022/23.

Additional documents:




1)     NOTED the provisional year end position, variations to the 2022-23 approved budget and the resultant effect on the council’s balances and reserves for the General Fund and Special Expenses set out in the report and in the appendices for both revenue and capital.


The Director for Corporate Services introduced the report, the purpose of which provided Members with information on the provisional year-end for the General Fund services 2022-23 and the subsequent implications on the Council’s balances and reserves.


The Director for Corporate Services advised members that with the audit for 2020-21 accounts remaining in progress and dates for 2021-22 and 2022-23 remain unclear, with regulatory bodies looking at solutions to the current audit resourcing issues and associated backlog, figures in the report would remain provisional until the audit arrangements are resolved.


The Director for Corporate Services clarified:


Ø  Melton Lifeline – the member of staff for Melton Lifeline was moved on secondment to the Ukrainian support community which had been funded by a grant from Leicestershire County Council. That grant is being used to backfill the officer’s post.

Ø  Environmental Health overspend was due to a complicated case where the costs were high and there were no grants that could be applied for. Recovery for the costs from the perpetrators would depend on what assets they have to draw down on.


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Finance, Property and Resources advised the team had done exceptionally well with the challenges the Council was facing and thanked the budget holders and finance staff for working so hard with the budgets during the year which had resulted in a positive outcome for the General Expenses fund, and stated that Members need to work on the development of the corporate strategies over the next four years and be clear not only on the priorities but also the areas where there can be additional income generated or reduce costs for sustainability of the Council.




1)    NOTED the provisional year end provision, variations to the 2022-23 approved budget and the resultant effect on the council’s balances and reserves for the General Fund and Special Expenses at set out in the report in the appendices for both revenue and capital.


Reason for Recommendation:


It is important that Cabinet are aware of the financial position of the General Fund and Special Expenses to ensure they can make informed decisions that are affordable and financially sustainable for the Council.