Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 19th September, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Adcock, I Atherton, S Atherton, Carter, Child, Evans, Freer, Glancy, S Orson, Pritchett and Thwaites.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 281 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 25 July 2024 and the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 5 September 2024.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024 and of the extraordinary meeting held on 5 September 2024 were confirmed.


(For 16, Against 0, Abstentions 1)




Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


An other registerable interest in respect of Councillor J. Orson was noted as being on record for any matters which related to the Leicestershire County Council.


Councillor J. Orson declared a pecuniary interest relation to CO37 (Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation), and stated that he would withdraw from the meeting when the report is considered.


Councillor Browne declared a personal interest relation to CO35 (Motion on 80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden). He stated that he would leave the room when the motion is being considered.



The Mayor will make his announcements.


Following the Mayor’s announcements, there will be a presentation recognising the outgoing Mayor’s Cadet and the incoming Mayor’s Cadet will be revealed.


The Mayor provided Members with an update on events he has attended since the last Council meeting. The full list of events are outlined below.





Saturday 27 July 2024

World Amateur Pork Pie Championships

The Grainstore Brewery, Oakham

Friday 9 August 2024

Opening of Crown Inn, Old Dalby

Old Dalby

Saturday 10 August 2024

British and Irish Tug of War Championships

Melton Play Close

Saturday 17 August 2024

Official opening of the new Leisure Facilities

Waterfield Leisure Centre

Saturday 17 August 2024

Service to mark anniversary of the death of King Richard III

Leicester Cathedral

Monday 19 August 2024

Meet with Rotary Club

Sysonby Knoll Hotel

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Welcome service new Methodist Minister

Frisby Methodist Church

Friday 23 August 2024

Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night

Parkside, Melton Mowbray

Sunday 25 August 2024

Great Vale Show

Hose Village Hall

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Met with Air Cadets

Squadron Unit, Melton Mowbray

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Long Service Award - 40 years Debbie Brown

Parkside, Melton Mowbray

Sunday 8 September 2024

Newark 84th year of Battle of Britain

Newark Town Hall

Friday 13 September 2024

Blaby - Chairman at Home Event

Blaby District Council

Saturday 14 September 2024

Fairtrade Birthday tea

Gloucester House

Sunday 15 September 2024

Battle of Britain parade

St Mary’s Church, Melton Mowbray

Tuesday 18 September 2024

Airborne Heritage Trail, Arnhem 80 Cycle Ride

Parkside, Melton Mowbray


Following the announcement, the outgoing Mayor’s Cadet, Cadet Flight Sergeant Ella Wheatley, gave a presentation on his year as the Mayor’s Cadet to Council. After the presentation, the Mayor presented Cadet Flight Sergeant Wheatley with a certificate.


Cadet Sergeant Charlotte Spencer was appointed as the Mayor’s Cadet for 2024/25 and received a certificate.





The Leader opened his announcements by stating that, due to an emergency stay in hospital last week, he was unable to attend the Battle of Britain service Sunday last.


The Leader thanked staff in reducing rent arrears from 9.14% to 5.9%. He added that the current performance shows continued focus and determination to address arrears proactively but, at the same time, work with tenants to find realistic and affordable solutions in a sensitive and caring way.


Members were informed that the Leader attended the Strategic Growth Plan Members Advisory Group, which is attended by Councils across Leicestershire. He reported that there continues to be collaborative and constructive working with determination to seek solutions across the party-political divide.


The Leader informed Members that the County Council are reporting delay and cost escalation with the Northern and Eastern sections of the MMDR.

The Leader assured everyone that the Council, while not being directly involved, would support the County Council in any way it is able to do so. In addition, the Leader assured Members that the Council are continuing to work with all partners to secure the implementation of the southern section of the MMDR.




In accordance with the Constitution, Members of the Council may answer questions from the public of which notice has been given.


No questions have been received at the time of publication. All confirmed questions will be circulated after the deadline.


Deadline for questions – Thursday 12 September, 12pm


No questions from the public had been received.




In accordance with the Constitution, a Member may ask the Leader, a Portfolio Holder or the Chair of the Council, a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Borough.


Seven questions have been received at the time of publication. All confirmed questions will be circulated after the deadline.


Deadline for questions – Thursday 12 September


Seven questions from Members had been received and they were taken in the order that they were received.


Question 1

Councillor Lumley asked the Leader the following question:


Can emergency funds be transferred to the Corporate Property team, for this current financial year (2024/25), to carry out essential maintenance works this winter on the Melton Borough Council (MBC)-owned Mill Street, Melton Mowbray town area car park, a stretch of footpath in the Country Park behind Redwood Avenue, town area allotments, and key routeways around Thorpe Road cemetery, to name a few?


In responding to the question, the Leader stated that he would address the question in two parts: the drawing down of emergency funds and to allocate the money to four specific tasks and one open ended area of expenditure.


The Leader clarified that, for the avoidance of doubt, the Council does not maintain emergency funds per se. This has been the case for some years due to financial constraints.


The Council does maintain reserves and the Leader has summarised the regulations and procedures for drawing on reserves in year on a separate note which has been tabled at the meeting.


In relation to the four specific tasks (car park, footpath, cemetery & allotments), the Leader agrees that these have been relatively neglected for some years. For the first three, the Leader suggested that he, Councillor Lumley and his fellow Ward Councillor, Councillor Glancy, look at these upon Councillor Glancy’s return. For allotments across Melton, the Leader already mentioned his resolve to build on the work of colleague Councillor Cox alongside the assistance from Melton Lions to improve the situation.


The Leader added that for the current financial year, budgets have been allocated and asset improvements have been prioritised, including taking account of health and safety and risk. The Leader added that if Councillor Lumley could provide a list of his specific requests, then he would arrange for them to be assessed against the prioritisation criteria in place. Should there be immediate risks or health and safety requirements, officers would advise on any in year budgetary needs. Officers can also assess the need and timing for other improvements works, for consideration as part of future budget setting arrangements.


Pride in place matters to the administration, but, resources need to be carefully managed and work is ongoing to evaluate how best to allocate resources to enhance green and open spaces. The Leaders stated that this would be done in a planned way and included within budget and service plans rather than on an emergency basis.


Councillor Lumley did not opt to ask a supplementary question.


Question 2

Councillor Lumley asked the Leader the following question:


Can you (Leader) and senior MBC officers urgently meet with senior East Midlands region officers of the Environment Agency, to discuss the poor maintenance and improvement plan of water courses around the town area, plus flooding management for this winter and thereafter of water courses across the Borough?


In responding, the Leader stated that all Members would  ...  view the full minutes text for item CO34



In accordance with the Constitution, motions on notice must be signed by at least two Members and be about matters for which the Council has a responsibility or which affect the Melton Borough.


The following motion was received from Councillor Higgins (Seconded by Councillor Allnatt).


80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden


From the 17th to 25th of September 1944, Operation Market Garden took place in the German-occupied Netherlands. Today we mark the 80th Anniversary but also pay tribute to those involved in the operation, many of whom were based in the Borough.


The 10th Battalion was centred on the villages of Somerby, Thorpe Satchville, Burrough on the Hill and Twyford. The 11th Battalion was billeted in and around Melton Mowbray, as was the 156th Battalion, with their HQ at Staveley Lodge, now the Pera business park, with its four companies spread between Newport Lodge, Scalford Hall, and The Spinney.


Market Garden's objective was to create a 64 mi (103 km) salient into German territory with a bridgehead over the Lower Rhine River, creating an Allied invasion route into northern Germany, it was to hopefully shorten the war and liberate Europe. This was to be achieved by two sub-operations: seizing nine bridges with combined US and British airborne force ("Market") followed by British land forces swiftly following over the bridges ("Garden").


The airborne soldiers, numbering more than 41,000, were dropped at sites where they could capture key bridges and hold the terrain until the land forces arrived. The land forces consisted of ten armoured and motorised brigades with a similar number of soldiers.


Today the village of Somerby host an annual parade commemorating those who fought so bravely 80 years ago. Near the village of Burrough on the Hill is a magnificent memorial to the Parachute Regiment and recently the USAAF 315th Troop Carrier Group.


I would like the Council to join me to:


1)    Pay tribute and thank those who made the great sacrifice who fought in Arnhem and the wider Operation Market Garden;


2)    Thank historians, local and national, along with individuals and communities who not only detail the history of the Battle of Arnhem but equally importantly how the Melton Borough community remember those stationed here.


3)    Acknowledges the great work the Friends of the Tenth and the Parachute Regimental Association do, and will continue to do, within the Melton Borough and Arnhem.


4)    Thank the village of Somerby for hosting their annual remembrance event.


5)    That the Mayor and all councillors write collectively to the Mayor of Arnhem and Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to the United Kingdom to express our continued and unwavering friendship between the people of the Borough of Melton and Arnhem in remembering the sacrifice by those 80 years ago in the cause of freedom.


At 7:22pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Browne left the meeting.


The following motion was received from Councillor Higgins (Seconded by Councillor Allnatt).


80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden


From the 17th to 25th of September 1944, Operation Market Garden took place in the German-occupied Netherlands. Today we mark the 80th Anniversary but also pay tribute to those involved in the operation, many of whom were based in the Borough.


The 10th Battalion was centred on the villages of Somerby, Thorpe Satchville, Burrough on the Hill and Twyford. The 11th Battalion was billeted in and around Melton Mowbray, as was the 156th Battalion, with their HQ at Staveley Lodge, now the Pera business park, with its four companies spread between Newport Lodge, Scalford Hall, and The Spinney.


Market Garden's objective was to create a 64 mi (103 km) salient into German territory with a bridgehead over the Lower Rhine River, creating an Allied invasion route into northern Germany, it was to hopefully shorten the war and liberate Europe. This was to be achieved by two sub-operations: seizing nine bridges with combined US and British airborne force ("Market") followed by British land forces swiftly following over the bridges ("Garden").


The airborne soldiers, numbering more than 41,000, were dropped at sites where they could capture key bridges and hold the terrain until the land forces arrived. The land forces consisted of ten armoured and motorised brigades with a similar number of soldiers.


Today the village of Somerby host an annual parade commemorating those who fought so bravely 80 years ago. Near the village of Burrough on the Hill is a magnificent memorial to the Parachute Regiment and recently the USAAF 315th Troop Carrier Group.


I would like the Council to join me to:


1)    Pay tribute and thank those who made the great sacrifice who fought in Arnhem and the wider Operation Market Garden;


2)    Thank historians, local and national, along with individuals and communities who not only detail the history of the Battle of Arnhem but equally importantly how the Melton Borough community remember those stationed here.


3)    Acknowledges the great work the Friends of the Tenth and the Parachute Regimental Association do, and will continue to do, within the Melton Borough and Arnhem.


4)    Thank the village of Somerby for hosting their annual remembrance event.


5)    That the Mayor and all councillors write to the Mayor of Arnhem and Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to the United Kingdom to express our continued and unwavering friendship between the people of the Borough of Melton and Arnhem in remembering the sacrifice by those 80 years ago in the cause of freedom.


During the debate, the following comments were made:

  • It was recognised that Operation Market Garden wasn’t just British operation but an international one too including the involvement of a Polish Brigade and that it was right to recognise this.




Melton Borough Council agreed to:


1)    Pay tribute and thank those who made the  ...  view the full minutes text for item CO35



Pursuant to the Council’s Constitution (Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedure Rule 16), the Mayor has allowed the consideration of the Councillor leave of absence report as an urgent item.


Using the provision as set out in the Constitution under Chapter 3, Part 1, Procedural Rule 16, the Mayor permitted an urgent report to be tabled.


The Chief Executive introduced the Councillor Leave of Absence report. The Leader moved the recommendation and the Leader of the Opposition seconded the motion.


During the debate, the following comments were made:

  • It was unfortunate that, due to the falling of meeting dates, the report had to be tabled as an urgent item. It was noted that this type of dispensation has been granted before and that Council should grant the dispensation in this instance.
  • It was noted that the Long Clawson and Stathern Ward has a second Ward Councillor, which is Councillor S Orson but that the Ward residents are welcome to contact the Leader’s office should they need to.
  • Having the paper at the last moment has made it difficult for Members to raise questions. Although does recognise that there is another Councillor representing the Ward.
  • A query was raised on whether the extension could be less than six months. It was clarified that the duration of the dispensation would be a matter for the Council. Six months would provide the flexibility to allow Councillor Evans to return given the position was still uncertain at this time.
  • Six months would be good, as Councillor Evans would have enough time to recover.






Approves Councillor Christopher Evans’s non-attendance at meetings of the Authority on medical grounds up to and including 16 May 2025 in accordance with Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.





To receive a report on the Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation.


At 7:47pm, prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor J Orson left the meeting and did not return.


The Leader, Councillor Allnatt, presented Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation report and moved the recommendations. Councillor Cumbers seconded the motion.


During the debate, the following comments were made:

·       A statement was read out on behalf of Councillor Glancy, who passed on her thanks to the Officers for their hard work.

·       The Leader of the Opposition stated that his group also supported the recommendations.






1)    Notes the importance of proceeding to the Regulation 19 Consultation on the Pre-Submission Local Plan Update.


2)    Approves launching the Regulation 19 consultation in respect of the Local Plan Update once the consultation document is finalised, and delegates authority to the Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services to finalise the consultation document in consultation with the Local Plan Members’ Working Group.


3)    Approves launching a consultation for the Sustainability Appraisal alongside the Regulation 19 consultation on the Pre-Submission Local Plan Update document.

