Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 10th October, 2018 6.30 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray LE13 1GH

Contact: Lena Shuttlewood 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Baguley, Bains, Higgins, Hurrell, Hutchison, and Lumley.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 132 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2018.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2018 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the Chair.



Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Councillors Pearson, Posnett MBE, Rhodes and Orson declared personal interests in any matters relating to the Leicestershire County Council due to their roles as County Councillors.


Councillor Graham MBE declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in minute CO39 by virtue of being a trustee on the John Sedley Educational Trust which owned land in the Borough and indicated he would leave the meeting before this item was discussed.


Councillor Orson declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in minute CO39 arising from his ownership of land within the Borough and indicated he would leave the meeting before this item was discussed.


Councillor Holmes declared a disclosable  pecuniary interest in minute CO39 arising from her ownership of land within the Borough and indicated she would leave the meeting before this item was discussed.






The Mayor


(a)       began her announcements by referring to the plans already in place to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War.  The Remembrance Day parade and service would be held in the morning on Sunday 11 November at St Mary’s Parish Church followed by the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial.  In the early evening, after a choral performance in the church, a short service of commemoration would take place in the Play Close during which the names of more than 200 of the fallen would be read out.  This would be followed by the lighting of a beacon at 7pm. At 7.05pm the bells of St Mary’s church will mark the conclusion of the day’s events by “Ringing our for Peace” as church bells did across the land at the end of the Great War.  The Mayor urged all Members, especially the town ward Members, to support these events.  She acknowledged that the rural ward Members may be attending commemorative services in the villages during the day, but expressed the desire that as many Members as possible attended the evening event to show respect for those who gave their lives, often in appalling circumstances;


(b)       highlighted a number of engagements at which she had represented the Borough since the last Council meeting in July which included:


-       The RAVC Centenary parade and reception on 26 July had drawn good crowds in support.  The Council received very positive feedback on the day’s events both verbally and in writing from the Commanding Officer;

-       The official opening of the Bottesford Football Club’s new clubhouse and facilities which had also been attended by Sir Alan Duncan MP and Councillor Rhodes  The Mayor stated she could not praise this project enough and recalled a site meeting she had attended with Mr Worley 7 years ago to look at the bare field site which was the location for the project.  Despite some problems and setbacks, the village now had 14 football pitches and club house facilities.  The Mayor praised the efforts of enthusiastic parents and local residents  led by two local businessmen, Daniel Gribby and Nick Dobney, whose tenacity had secured funding from the Football Foundation to see this project reach fruition;

-       Melton in Bloom’s Schools competition presentation. This was a new initiative led by Melton in Bloom with support from Brooksby Agricultural College whereby local schools had grown plants in wheelbarrows.  There were various age groups in the competition which the schools had embraced enthusiastically and competition had been more than a little keen.  After sharing details of the winning schools, the Mayor expressed how delighted she was to see how much the children had got out of seeing their plants grow from seed.  Next year’s competition would feature growing vegetables and seeds had already been donated by the B&Q store;

-       Macmillan Cancer ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ event at St Francis Catholic Primary School.  The Mayor advised the Council that at this event  ...  view the full minutes text for item CO29




After congratulating the Mayor on the success of the Civic Service, the Leader presented his report to Council which contained updates on the following matters:


(a)       Melton Local Plan – since the last update, the Council had received notification that its Local Plan was sound and ready for formal adoption. This would be considered later in the agenda, presented by Councillor Sheldon.  However the Leader wished to place on record his congratulations and thanks to all the Officers and Members involved in its development;


(b)       Melton distributor relief road – the planning application had now been submitted and there would be a number of exhibitions in the Council Offices over the next couple of weeks to show what it would look like;


(c)        Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan – Melton has been recognised as a ‘key centre for growth and regeneration’ in the Plan and the developing Local Industrial Strategy identifies Melton as a place to support growth in advanced manufacturing thorough the development of a new Food Enterprise Centre.  Recognition for Melton in these key strategic documents was crucial if the area was to attract more investment.  The Council would be considering the Growth Plan for adoption at its scheduled meeting in December;


(d)       Town and Place Partnership – realising the Borough’s potential and maximising its impact was a key focus of the developing Town and Place Partnership.  Working alongside a number of key partners, including the Town Estate, Brooksby Melton College, PERA Business Park, and Melton BID, the Council had commissioned a place marketing specialist to undertake a wide ranging engagement exercise in order to build a shared story which would then drive the collective efforts to ensure all partners were focussing the work and resources on achieving the same ambitions.  The first workshop was taking place that evening with the second one on 30 October from 8am to 9.30am in the Council Offices.  All Members were encouraged to sign up and get involved;


(e)       Budget development – the Council’s budget development work was now underway and would be discussed at the Members Away Day the following day.  In line with its aspirations to become a more commercial council, a grant had been secured from the Local Government Association for support from a commercial expert who would be reviewing and assisting some of the Council’s trading services to see how the return from them could be increased.  The Council was also continuing to build a business case for establishing a development company and had also secured funding to support a feasibility study into development proposals for Gretton Court.  Later this month, the official opening of Beckmill Court would take place following the Council’s £2.5M investment;


(f)        Service provision developments – this month two significant contracts for Melton had commenced; waste collection and housing repairs.  The Council looked forward to the positive impact these contracts should have on both service quality and value for money.  The new Neighbourhood Support Officers were now in place and had received positive feedback and  ...  view the full minutes text for item CO30



The Leader and Chairs of Policy Committees to answer any questions from the public of which notice has been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9 of the Constitution.


No questions were received by the deadline.




There were no public questions submitted for this meeting.



In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.1, the Chief Executive shall report the receipt of a petition to the next meeting of the Council where there shall be no debate or comment thereon. 


No petitions were received. 



There were no petitions to report.


Governance Committee : 24 July 2018 - Minute G89 - Contract Procedure Rules Review

RECOMMENDED that the revised Contract Procedure Rules be approved and referred to Full Council for adoption in this Council’s Constitution.


The original report and documents for the Governance Committee meeting held on 24 July 2018 can be found here



Councillor Cumbers presented the recommendation from the Governance Committee which sought approval to revise the Contract Procedure Rules in line with recommendations contained in a report prepared by the Head of Welland Procurement.  Councillor Cumbers so moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Simpson.  Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: To approve the revised Contract Procedure Rules  for incorporation into the Council’s Constitution.



People Committee : 12 September 2018 - Minute 12 - Corporate Review of Charges 2019/20



(2)     the Council be requested to update the scheme of delegation as required under para 3.6.2 of the report to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for activities delivered under Sports Commissioning Plan;


(3)     the Council be requested to update the scheme of delegation as required under para 3.11.7 of the report to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for emergency accommodation in line with benefit subsidy rates.


The original report to the People Committee at its meeting held on 12 September 2018 can be found here


In presenting the People Committee’s recommendations, Councillor Pearson stressed the importance of the first recommendation in relation to residents’ mental and physical well being; and the importance of the second recommendation in terms of how the Council reacted to and dealt with the issue of homelessness.  Accordingly he so moved the two recommendations as set out in the order paper and this was seconded by Councillor de Burle.  Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously.





(1)       the scheme of delegation be updated to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for activities delivered under Sports Commissioning Plan;


(2)       the scheme of delegation be updated to provide delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to determine charges for emergency accommodation in line with benefit subsidy rates.


Governance Committee: 18 September 2018: Minute number G101 Constitution Update 2018/19

RECOMMENDED that the following amendment be approved and included within the Constitution:


Part 6 – Member Allowances Scheme


In accordance with the explanation set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report below, paragraph 1.2 of the Member  Allowances Scheme be amended to include the words shown in red :-


1.2  Should a Member not claim the basic allowance, Council related expenses, in addition to those that can be claimed elsewhere, be claimable up to the maximum of the basic allowance.


The original report to the Governance Committee at its meeting held on 18 September 2018 can be found here


Councillor Cumbers moved the recommendation from the Governance Committee concerning an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the Members’ Allowance Scheme as set out in the Order Paper.  This was seconded by Councillor Simpson.


A request for clarification on why this amendment was necessary was made by a Member to which Councillor Cumbers replied it had arisen as a result of a former Councillor who had been in receipt of benefits.  The Director for Legal & Democratic Services gave clarification on the circumstances in which this amended provision would apply.


Following some concern expressed regarding the size of the Council’s Constitution following various updates, the Member was reminded that the document was available in electronic format.  The Chief Executive advised that the Governance Development Group was looking into Constitutional reform and any streamlining and revision of this document was certainly on the Group’s agenda.  The Leader suggested that the issue be raised at the next Governance Development Group Committee meeting.


A vote was taken on the motion and subsequently carried unanimously.



RESOLVED: That  the following amended wording be approved and incorporated  into the Council’s Constitution:


Part 6 – Member Allowances Scheme


1.2 Should a Member not claim the basic allowance, Council related expenses, in addition to those that can be claimed elsewhere, be claimable up to maximum of the basic allowance.



In accordance with Procedure Rules 10.3 and 10.5, a Member may ask the Mayor, Leader or the Chairman of any committee or sub-committee, a question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affects the Melton Borough.


No questions were received by the deadline.



No questions from Members had been received.



There were no Motions  received in accordance with

Procedure Rule 11.1



No motions were received in accordance with Procedure Rule 11.1.



The Director for Legal and Democratic Services to submit a report to consider the recommendation of the Governance Committee held on 24 July 2018 for the removal of the annual appointment of a Chair to the Appeals Committee and the associated implications on the Member Allowances Scheme.




The Leader presented the report of the Director for Legal & Democratic Services which asked the Council to consider the recommendation from the Governance Committee to remove the annual appointment of a Chair to the Appeals Committee and the associated implications for the Member Allowances Scheme.  The Leader explained that it had been 10 years since the Appeals Committee last sat and the Member appointed as Chair had received a yearly special responsibility allowance.  It was therefore recommended that a Chair for the Appeals Committee be appointed on an ad hoc basis as and when the Committee was required to meet.  It was noted that the current Chair of the Appeals Committee had been consulted as had the Chair of the Welland Independent Remuneration Panel.  The Leader so moved the recommendations as set out in the Order Paper.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Glancy.  As the Member standing down as Chair of the Appeals Committee, Councillor Graham stated he was also the Chair of the Melton Community Safety Partnership.  This was a very time consuming role which did not receive any remittance from this Council. Councillor Graham asked the Leader when a Chair was appointed on an ad hoc basis, who would determine what payment that position attracted.  The Leader replied that the matter would be referred to the Regulatory Forum to be considered at their next meeting.


The motion was put to the vote and subsequently carried unanimously.





(1)  the annual appointment of a Chair to the Appeals Committee be removed with immediate effect and that this appointment be made on an ad hoc basis as and when a meeting is required;


(2)  the Special Responsibility Allowance allocated to the Chair of the Appeals Committee be deleted from the Member Allowances Scheme with immediate effect and the scheme be updated accordingly.



[Councillors Graham, Holmes, and Orson here left the meeting.]



The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services to submit a report which sets out the key conclusions reached and the Main Modifications recommended in the Melton Local Plan Examination Inspector’s Report, and outlines how the latter differ from the plan that Council agreed be submitted for Examination. It also recommends to Council that the Inspector’s recommended Main Modifications be agreed and that the Local Plan is adopted. The report also outlines the associated documents that need to be agreed alongside adoption of the Local Plan, the implications for decision making arising from Local Plan adoption and the outstanding processes that need to be completed for adoption.


Appendix 2 to this report is to follow.

Additional documents:


Members had before them a detailed report prepared by the Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services which set out the key conclusions reached and the Main Modifications in the Melton Local Plan Examination Inspector’s Report, and outlined how the latter differed from the Plan that Council submitted for Examination.  It also recommended to Council that the Inspector’s recommended Main Modifications be agreed and that the Local Plan be adopted.  The report outlined the associated documents that needed to be agreed alongside adoption of the Local Plan, the implications for decision making arising from the Local Plan adoption and the outstanding processes that needed to be completed for adoption.


Councillor Sheldon presented the report acknowledging the earlier remarks of the Mayor that this had been a very long process and the report before Members was a very welcome one.  Councillor Sheldon paid tribute to the Assistant Director of Strategic Planning & Regulatory Services who was the only original officer from the start of the Plan process and commended the tireless work of the Assistant Director and his team over the years, as well as all the time and effort of the Members who had been involved and contributed.  He accepted that the Plan would not find universal agreement but it had been passed by the Inspector as being fit for purpose.  It represented a plan for growth on which the future of the Borough could be built; the Planning Committee now finally had a document to support its decision making.  Councillor Sheldon accordingly moved the recommendations contained in the Order Paper.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Illingworth and in doing so urged all Members to support it, irrespective of whether the document in its entirety rested comfortably with them or their residents.  The Plan represented the mandate to shape the Borough and he stressed how significant the approval of the Plan by the Inspector was; to put this into context only a mere 22 modifications had been recommended by the Inspector whereas some authorities had had several hundred modifications imposed on their Plans.  Councillor Illingworth urged Members not to underestimate how big an endorsement this was of the Local Plan by the Inspector.  For example, in terms of housing allocations sites, only one site had been added and one removed.  Looking back at all the sites and the early contention, this demonstrated that Neighbourhood Plans and our Local Plan were almost entirely without exception in accord.


Councillor Illingworth wished to place on record his acknowledgement of the massive effort put in by everyone involved in the process over a number of years; he wished to recognise the wisdom, the knowledge, and the leadership of the Local Plan Working Group, chaired initially by Councillor Wright and then latterly by Councillor Mrs Chandler.


As the motion was opened to debate, several Members gave their views on the Local Plan as now presented for adoption.  Whilst certain aspects led to a more nuanced view of the Plan by some, it was generally agreed  ...  view the full minutes text for item CO39