Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Glancy, Lumley and Webster. Councillor Smith was appointed as substitute for Councillor Webster. Councillors Holmes and Pritchett were not present at the start of the meeting due to traffic congestion in the town centre. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 2 February 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 2 February 2023 were confirmed as a true record. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 60 KB Members to declare any
interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Posnett held a standing personal interest in any matters relating to the Leicestershire County Council due to her role as a County Councillor. |
Schedule of Applications |
Application 21/01223/FUL PDF 244 KB Saltby Airfield, Skillington Road, Sproxton Additional documents:
The Planning Officer (HW) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised that 3 submissions had been received since despatch of the agenda from Denton Parish Council and from two local residents, none of which raised anything new that hadn’t been covered in the report. The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions set out in Appendix A. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation: Tricia Laurance, Croxton Kerrial Parish Council Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted: · The meeting with the applicant and the community had discussed the routes and concerns for the hours of operation and the request for these to be altered but the applicant advised this was not possible · The majority of vehicles used the route from Croxton Kerrial and started early in the morning and continued in a regular pattern throughout the day Keith Burnett, Objector Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted: · There were environmental concerns which were not in line with the Council’s policies, particularly EN10 Paul Watson, Agent Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted: · There was separation of inbound and outbound traffic by using different access routes into the site which was supported by both county councils · The application was not concerned with routing · If smaller lorries or trailers were used, there would be more vehicle movements to ensure the operation remained viable and the number of bales remained the same which was part of the application · There had been no discussions regarding access with the Glider Club as this was a separate business in different ownership · The operation of the business was raised in terms of length of time for straw storage and whether some straw became unusable due to prolonged storage The Planning Officer advised that she did not consider policy EN10 as being relevant to this application as the proposal was for straw storage and was not a low carbon energy plant proposal. Policies C9 (healthy communities part (d) - healthy homes) and D1 (design policy, part (d) - residential amenity) were mentioned as possibly being in conflict with the proposal. During debate the following points were noted: · The application was not concerned with routing traffic and the Committee could not determine the application against the Lincolnshire and Leicestershire Highway Authorities’ advice which had raised no concerns on the proposal · The site could not be carbon neutral due to the business’s reliance on the road network to be able to function · The report was good and there was support for the recommendation · There was concern at the traffic impact on local residents · The climate ... view the full minutes text for item PL81 |
Application 21/00344/OUT PDF 363 KB Land at Main Street, Wymondham Additional documents:
The Planning Officer (GE) addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application and advised the application was recommended for approval subject to conditions set out in Appendix C and a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards: (i) Secondary and Post 16 Education Provision (ii) Contribution to sustainable transport options (iii) Waste services contribution (iv) On Site Affordable Housing Provision Members raised concerns and the Planning Officer responded as follows: · Wymondham was a service centre and this was an allocated site for growth under the current Local Plan · The affordable housing mix had been agreed at 10 homes in accordance with the Local Plan · There was a motion to approve the application as the application was in line with the Council’s policies. However the speakers had not taken part at this point and the Solicitor advised that should the Councillor remain open-minded and listen to the speakers and debate then he would be deemed to be not pre-determined. The Councillor agreed that they remained open-minded on the application · This was an outline application and a further application would be submitted when the Parish Council would be consulted on the detail · The Planning Officer gave assurance that conditions 2, 3 and 5 would be assessed against the relevant policies but the conditions could be amended to be more specific should Members wish to do so · It was confirmed that a s106 request for £11k had been received for NHS services since the report had been published · It was confirmed that no s106 request had been received from the Parish Council and any comments they had made at the workshop were included Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation: Howard Gresham, Wymondham Parish Council Following the speaker’s presentation, the following points were noted: · There was concern that when the site was handed over to the developer, there would be no commitment from the current landowner to follow through on previous plans to construct a wooded area beyond the site which would alleviate drainage issues to the lower lying development site · It was noted that conditions 9 and 10 covered drainage arrangements for the site and it was suggested that these conditions could be strengthened and to state the scheme must be in place prior to development rather than prior to occupation, also at the reserved matters stage the scheme be reviewed by the officers and any other relevant statutory bodies to ensure it was acceptable · A Point of Order was raised as it was considered that questions were being addressed to officers and not the speaker, however the Solicitor explained that the questions to the officers were as ... view the full minutes text for item PL82 |
Urgent Business To consider any other business that the
Chair considers urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |