Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 3rd September, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: By remote video conference

Contact: Democratic Services Team 

Link: View Planning Committee Meeting

No. Item

Chair's Introduction

The Chair welcomed everyone to the Planning Committee meeting. She introduced Members and Officers as well as referred to the public speakers who would be speaking on individual applications.


It was confirmed that all Members present could hear and see the proceedings and Members could also see the Chair and each other. The Chair explained that Members would use the functionality of the software to raise their hands to speak and each Member would be asked in turn for their vote at the appropriate time.


The Chair explained that should the remote conferencing connection be lost there would be an adjournment. She advised that the meeting would be recorded and live-streamed on You Tube.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Wood.  Councillor Pritchett attended as his substitute.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2020


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 August 2020 were confirmed and authorised to be signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment:


Minute PL42 : Application 20/00102/FUL - Former Southfields Farm, Church Lane, Somerby

‘Speaking as Ward Councillor on this application, Councillor Higgins said that

·         receipt of voluntary contributions to affordable housing from the developer was welcomed.

·         concerning emergency services, there had been engagement with the local Fire Service who had responded accordingly.

·         objectors had raised concerns about the volume of traffic to the site and in response the applicant had reduced the number of houses from 12 to 10.’



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Councillor Posnett declared a personal interest in any matters relating to the Leicestershire County Council due to her role as a County Councillor.


Application 19/01302/FUL – Land west of Main Street, Stathern

Councillor Steadman confirmed that she would be representing her ward on this application by making a representation to the Committee. She would therefore leave the meeting during debate and not vote on this item in accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules.



Schedule of Applications


Application 19/01302/FUL pdf icon PDF 842 KB

Land west of Main Street, Stathern





Land west of Main Street, Stathern


Demolition of agricultural buildings and the erection of 74 dwellings, together with access into the site from Main Street, and open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure.



(Councillor Steadman declared her intention to speak as Ward Councillor on this application and here left the Committee and moved into the public speaking gallery.)


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.  He updated the Committee on a further 24 objections to the application, received from local residents.  These concerns had previously been made by other residents and had been detailed in the report. 


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery further updated the Committee concerning Section 106 Agreements in respect of the application:

  • Leicestershire County Council had revised their request for education from just under £500k to £513k (£306k in respect of Stathern Primary and £207k for Belvoir Academy in Bottesford).  The revised education contributions were accepted by the applicant.
  • Further representation had been received from the War Memorial Institute, reiterating that it considered the calculations of contributions should be based on the growth of the village, rather than the proportion of the village (as concluded in the report) and the applicant had agreed to this.
  • The applicant had confirmed they would meet the request for the bridge to Valebrook Road, which had a revised value of 10k, providing it meets CIL regulation requirements.
  • The applicant had agreed a proportionate approach (£6k contribution) in respect of play equipment on the development.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery clarified details of the application as follows:


  • The junction allowed visibility of traffic approaching from Mill Hill (paragraph 5.7.2 of the report).
  • The suggested traffic calming measures (paragraph 5.7.2 of the report) contained a direct quote from the Highways Authority (HA) and the related recommendation at paragraph 14 of Appendix C could be made more robust, providing this was accepted by HA.
  • The Parish Council had advised they had evidence of speeding in the village, which the Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery was yet to review.  He highlighted that this does not assist towards the case to ask the applicant to mitigate speeding if it was already a problem.
  • Although not reinforced in the recommendations at Appendix C, the applicant had agreed to a northern buffer (bordering Valerook Road and Swallows Close) to protect the area from the impact of development and pollution etc. and sloping the land in the north-west corner of the site away from the properties in Farrier Way, in order that water would flow away from properties.
  • The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery had viewed the applicant’s draft plan for plot 8, which showed a minor increase in the amount of separation distance to number 2 and 3 Walnut Close.  He invited the Committee to give a delegation (in respect of plots 7 and 8, as semi detached properties) to deal with this issue if necessary.


It was  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL55


Application 20/00823/FULHH pdf icon PDF 232 KB

42 Avon Road, Melton Mowbray






42 Avon Road, Melton Mowbray


Proposed two storey front, rear and side extensions to form annex and additional single storey extension to the front of existing dwelling.



The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery addressed the Committee and provided a summary of the application.


It was confirmed that the presentation slide showing the previous (refused) and application side elevation of the 42 Avon Road, also showed 30 Derwent Drive.


Pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 9, Paragraphs 2.8-2.28 of the Council’s Constitution in relation to  public speaking at Planning Committee, the Chair allowed the following to give a 3 minute presentation:


·         Chris Ward, Objector


In response to Member questions, Mr. Ward advised that


·         Attempts to compromise had been made via a letter to the applicant on the previous application and on this application.  His suggestion to move the side boundary of the proposed extension away from his retaining wall (which would likely remove his objection to this application) had been declined.

·         For the purpose of maintaining his retaining wall he has the right to access the applicants property.

·         The proposed extension would preclude future repair and maintenance of the retaining wall.


The Legal Officer advised that the retaining wall was not a material planning consideration.  She highlighted that all material planning considerations were detailed in the report.


·         Julie Abrames, Applicant


In response to Member questions, Ms. Abrames advised that


·         Advice from a structural engineer confirmed that the proposed extension could be could be constructed and maintained without need to access Mr Ward’s property (30 Derwent Drive).

·         The proposed extension would enhance her family life.  It would provide room to accommodate her mother who required much assistance, enabling her to receive better care and more time to be spent as a family.  It would provide a bedroom for her nephews, who regularly stayed with her for respite taking the property from a 3 bed to a 4 bed).

·         The minimum 1 way travel time from her property to her mother’s property was 10 minutes but this journey was frequently longer due to heavy traffic.

·         The proposed lift was in respect of an anticipated future need of her mother.  There was no plan to engage carers and her mother would continue to receive care from her family.


In accordance with the Constitution, at 9 pm, there was a motion to continue the meeting beyond the 3 hour threshold and Members voted unanimously to continue the meeting.


The Chair read a statement on behalf of Councillor Wood, Ward Councillor.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Delivery advised that it was for Members to decide how much weight to attribute to the applicants personal circumstances against concerns over the design of the application.


During discussion the following points were noted:


·         Members thanked officers for the comprehensive report.

·         Members had great empathy for the applicant and her reasons for the application, noting that she had addressed previous concerns

·         Members were not opposed to expansion of the applicant’s property but were not  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL56


Urgent Business

To consider any other business that the Chair considers urgent



There was no urgent business.