Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 6th July, 2017 6.00 pm

Venue: Parkside, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1GH

Contact: Development Control 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Posnett


Minutes pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting on 15.06.17.


Minutes of the meeting 15 June 2017


Approval of the Minutes was proposed by Cllr Holmes subject to an amendment to page 36 of the previous minutes to refer to Green Gage Farm not Greengates Farm.


Cllr Baguley seconded the approval.


The Committee voted in agreement. It was unanimously agreed by all Members in attendance, at the meeting on 15 June 2017, that the Chair sign them as a true record.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Members to declare any interest as appropriate in respect of items to be considered at this meeting.


Cllr Hutchinson was in the audience and declared an interest in applications 17/00327/FULHH & 17/00328/LBC as he is the applicant.


Schedule of Applications


16/00318/OUT pdf icon PDF 611 KB

Land around Sherbrook House and Millway Foods, Colston Lane, Harby


Applicant: Croft Developments Limited

Location: Land around Sherbrook House and Millway Foods,

Colston Lane, Harby

Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 50 dwellings with

associated access, landscaping and infrastructure.


a) The Head of Regulatory Services stated that: Deferred to allow the education position to be clarified. In response, the Local Education Authority has re-assessed the information which it provided on 5th June 2017 and which was reported to committee on 15th June 2017. It advises that there is a requirement for a developer contribution to increase capacity at Harby Primary School. This advises now takes account of the permission granted on appeal for housing on the adjacent Millway Foods site, which was not included in their previous assessment. A contribution for the Primary School sector of £145,188.12, to which the applicant agrees.

Cllr Rhodes has written asking that his position is conveyed as follows:

“I accept that Harby will have to accommodate a growth of housing totalling 98 new houses over the course of the emerging Local Plan period to 2036. This application according to my calculations brings the number up to 136 – 38 more than needed. If the Committee is minded to approve the application, the number of houses permitted should be restricted to 12.”


The Head of Regulatory Services commented that the decision taken on the LP on Tuesday revise the figure in Harby to 78, of which the Millway Foods site satisfies 53 and the neighbouring Boyers Orchard site a further 15. However he reminded the Committee that, even after Tuesdays progress, the Plan is far from settled and we cannot rely on its content for decisions. This site for a greater number of houses (61 vs 50) than is allocated in the Plan. We are in the hands of the NPPF as described on page 15 and the conclusion of this report. Unfortunately Cllr Rhodes limitation could not be achieved by condition as it would be taking away the greater part of what we would be granting. If Members consider the number too large, refusal would

be the way forwards.

A further comment from the NP group seeking clarification of the requirements of Condition 11 – i.e. does it require improvement all the way to the junction with Main Street (as did the Millway Foods permission), and suggests an alternative offering greater clarity:

“…the existing footway which extends to Main Street shall be improved in

accordance with the in principle scheme shown on drawing number: HBY-BWBGEN- XX-DR-TR-102_p2.

The scheme shall include the widening of the footway to 2 metres or the maximum available within the limits of the highway, and a suitable crossing point for all users where the footway changes from one side of the carriageway to the other. All details of the footway construction shall be in accordance with CHA standards.”

The Head of Regulatory Services displayed a plan of the area showing the extent of the footpath improvement proposed, which would be secured by the condition in the report, enabling it  ...  view the full minutes text for item PL19.1


17/00327/FULHH & 17/00328/LBC pdf icon PDF 363 KB

20A Water Lane, Frisby on the Wreake


Applicant: Mr E Hutchison

Location: The Tithe Barn, 20A Water Lane, Frisby on the Wreake

Proposal: Erection of a timber garage


a)    The Head of Regulatory Services stated that: There are no updates to the report.


Cllr Chandler proposed to permit the application.


Cllr Wyatt seconded the proposal and commented that it it’s the tidiest building site he had ever seen.


A vote was taken and the Members voted unanimously to permit.


DETERMINATION: PERMIT both applications in accordance with the

recommendations in the report, for the following reasons:


The proposed garage building is of traditional construction and design based on a traditional oak frame with a pantiled roof.

As such it respects the host listed dwelling and its conservation area location.


The garage is a building which adds to the residential enjoyment of the host dwelling and is solely related to it. It will be set back from Water Lane and that will reduce its visual impact in relation to both the grade II listed buildings in the vicinity and the street scene in general.


The revisions to increase the ridge height and the provision of dormer

windows do not significantly impact on the outcome of the original application that was approved in 2014.



Cllr Hutchinson returned to the meeting at 6.19pm



The Head Of Regulatory Services To Submit A Report Considering Representations Received Regarding The Proposed Direction.


Cllr Wyatt noted that the for sale signs have disappeared and he is waiting to see what happens with the developers.


Cllr Greenow proposed to permit the recommendation at 2.1.


Cllr Wyatt seconded the proposal.


A vote was taken and the Members voted unanimously to permit.


DETERMNATION: to apply the use of an Article 4 Direction removing the

‘permitted development rights’ of specified buildings at the Melton Mowbray

Hospital site for any building operation consisting of the demolition of a

building (details depicted in APPENDIX 1)


Urgent Business

To consider any other items that the Chair considers urgent


